M15 and F23 welcome E23 to begin a new journey of life as a new Eagle Family. E23 broke out into the world at 7:07 am on December 31, 2023. F23 gave E23 a boost free from the shell as she placed a talon on it. F23 looked at her precious baby and touched it gently with her beak. She quickly covered E23 for warmth and protection. M15 arrived with a stick and started work on the crib rails. F23 seemed annoyed and wanted to keep him away but rose up and softly vocalized as she presented E23 to M15. The look on his face was priceless at the first sighting of his new baby.
M15 and F23 were tending to two Eggs. Both Eggs were in the process of a rare simultaneous hatching. Egg 2 started to hatch before Egg 1, which was a few days early. Sadly, Egg 2 became compromised at some point. Although the chick tried to break through, it did not progress to hatch. These are the joys and sorrows of watching nature unfold and seeing the real life struggles.
M15, F23, and E23 are now a special Eagle Family and are settling in to work in harmony. E23 is strong, lively, and eager to be fed. M15 and F23 will be available around the clock to provide the best care for E23. All hope is for great success in their efforts as they maneuver through Eagle Life. By dadsjazz

Video By Androcat (Captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFEC 12-29-23 & 12-30-23. Hatch progress from the overnight. https://youtu.be/oYfgmpoCTvY
SWFEC 12-30-23. Hatch Progress for Eggs #1 & #2; M15 incubates @ night; F23 takes over; 0930-2400. https://youtu.be/w_NThnUvmvI
SWEC 12-31-23. Welcome to the World, Little E23! Congratulations M15 & F23! Official time: 7:07:05. https://youtu.be/f1_Qn1MFRJQ
Video by Lady Hawk (Captured form SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ WE HAVE A PIP! HATCH IN PROGRESS & E23 Is On It’s Way! 🐣 12.29.23. https://youtu.be/Wu0SBiaDxRM
SWFL Eagles ~ BOTH EGGS HATCHING SIMULTANEOUSLY! Progress From Overnight To Morning! 12.30.23. https://youtu.be/_FDZo54bMmQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Hatching Progress Continues! Great Closeups! Movement Seen & Chirping Heard 😲 12.30.23. https://youtu.be/nRLuGBEbyw0
SWFL Eagles 💗 WELCOME TO THE WORLD E23 🐣 OFFICIAL HATCH! CONGRATULATIONS M15 & F23 💗 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/jO7HMOOi6n8
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Sees E23 First Time! Closeups Of Their Little Hatchling!🐤 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/4wOlruGWKgo
SWFL Eagles ~MOM DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! F23 Rouses & E23 Takes A Tumble Pink Feet In Air 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/hePjD-B3bgo
SWFL Eagles ~ A Beautiful Moment 🐣 F23 Feeds E23 For The First Time! M15 Brings In Two Fish 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/z-5wRucpr5c
SWFL Eagles ~ Proud Papa M15 Feeds E23 For The First Time & Offers Bites Of Food To F23 💕 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/WH-uVCMWDJg
SWFL Eagles~ LUCKY E23 GETS A STEAK FOR NEW YEARS EVE & A TANDEM FEEDING BY MOM & DAD 😋 12.31.23. https://youtu.be/cZloUTXV-Xc