M15 and F23 are adjusting as doting parents of their treasured eight-day-old E23. Momma seems captivated by her little, fuzzy baby. She checks E23 often and keeps them safe and warm. Dad happily and readily takes his time to brood E23. When the weather turned cooler and rainy, both kept E23 and the nest toasty and dry. The specialness of being an only Eaglet is getting all the attention. E23 basks in all the extra care from F23 and M15.
M15 and F23 have perfected their exchanges on baby duty. Both have brought in their fish catches, and M15 has delivered a variety of prey for the needs of E23. The nest looked comfy with rabbit fur and a flurry of white feathers from the prey items. E23 spends most of the time sleeping and growing from all the nutritious meals.
M15 and F23 watch as E23 changes daily, adding weight and finding thermal down starting to emerge. E23 is stronger, controls movements and flaps little wings, and climbs out of the nest bole. E23 imprints on the surroundings and watches Momma and Dad’s every move. M15 and F23 support and encourage each other, cementing their bond as they raise E23. They are making great strides as a remarkable Eagle Family.
Video by Androcat (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFEC 1-1-24. E23’s First Four Feedings of the Morning; Adorable Close Views. https://youtu.be/3JLxeeIQpHU
SWFEC 1-1-24. Cheeky E23 nips & pulls Dad’s feathers + close-ups; M15 delivers nest material. https://youtu.be/kAGRwEzLzjo
SWFEC 1-1-23. M15’s Fish & Crazy Sticks; E23 Feedings & Close Views; F23 Goes Wading. https://youtu.be/D9IwZPBldUE
SWFEC 1-2-24. M15 Delivers Rabbit Prey, Feeds E23, Topples E23, and Tries to Feed Bites to F23.https://youtu.be/Sgi8LbCbc2k
SWFEC 1-2-24. M15 moves the remainder of precious egg #2, places by the rails. https://youtu.be/oNPG7grp0lM
SWFEC 1-2-24. F23 prepares rabbit for feeding; E23 waits for bites on a fur covered nest. https://youtu.be/_vg_T0D5KBo
SWFEC 1-2-23. M15’s fish delivery; E23’s Tiny Foot; Feedings + F23 brings food/carcass to the nest. https://youtu.be/tiC9vBxt5lc
SWFEC 1-3-24. M15 Gets Squeaky Clean with an Afternoon Bath! https://youtu.be/kx7UR4CSYpQ
SWFEC 1-3-24. Sticks & Fluff to Keep E23 Safe and Warm. https://youtu.be/-Rw06BUOkhE
SWFEC 1-3-24 M15 Feeds Little E23; Two Feedings + Close View of E23. https://youtu.be/oYmmqY3T4Uo
SWFEC 1-4-24. M15 delivers Cattle Egret prey for E23; nest covered in white feathers. https://youtu.be/z8AOpmeD45I
SWFEC 14-23. Moments in Time: Tiny Feet; Snoozy E23; Four Days Old. 😊 https://youtu.be/dmZAnfVcDBo
SWFEC 1-4-24. Tandem Feeding! But first, the nest clean-up, + a branch; brooding duty antics. https://youtu.be/zThkMyoDMx0
SWFEC 1-6-24. E23 makes it out of the nest cup at 6 days old! + Two feedings. https://youtu.be/enrIV5250Oc
SWFEC 1-6-23. Moments in Time: E23, six days old; Tiny Feet, Tiny Talons, Itty-Bitty Wings https://youtu.be/V3cLoyIjD5I
SWFEC 1-6-24. F23 Delivers a Fish for E23; Two Feedings; Owl Perched/Likely Hunting the Pasture. https://youtu.be/zP5yDAlmn0U
SWFEC 1-6-24. Final Feeding for the Day for E23; M15 eats UFO on the old Cam2 tree. https://youtu.be/2mbg_YpkLY0
SWFEC 1-7-24. Two feedings for E23 (rabbit); E23’s Tiny Foot next to Mom’s. https://youtu.be/phwpa0StuL4
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ The CUTEST BABY PICS of E23 One Day Old 🐥 M15 & F23 Both Feed Breakfast! 1.1.24 https://youtu.be/5Co_PWz29KQ
SWFL Eagles ~ Adorable E23 & Dad Time 🐥 E23 Grabs & Pulls Dad’s Feathers! 😂 Mom Returns! 1.1.24 https://youtu.be/POfgru6wXoo
Mighty M15 Delivers A Fish & A Huge Stick! He Pushes F23 Back To Rails w/ It 😂 F23 Feeds E23 1.1.24 https://youtu.be/ov1VNdqxRY8
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Stocks The Pantry For The New Year & Brings In A Huge Bunny! 🐰😂 1.2.24 https://youtu.be/E67j0qk4-s0
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 REMOVES EGG2 FROM NEST BOWL 😲 Explanation On What May Have Happened To Egg2 1.2.24 https://youtu.be/ihNe6KGxC-Q
SWFL Eagles ~ M Lovingly Feeds E23 Surf & Turf Breakfast! E23 Falls Over When Dad Gets Up! 😲 1.2.24 https://youtu.be/n5ytQPE6Oe0
SWFL Eagles ~ E23’s 1ST FUR FEST! 😂 Gets A Face Full Of Flying Fur! 😂 1.2.24 https://youtu.be/kLuqAElUEXk
SWFL Eagles 💗 Daddy M15 Gives A Great Feeding & Big Bites To E23 💗 1.3.24 https://youtu.be/xY1jCXnY7Qk
M Gives E23 Another Feeding! F23 Returns To Nest w/ Dracula Mantling! M Exits & Takes A Bath 1.3.24 https://youtu.be/Ep8Aaefy4hs
M15 Delivers A Cattle Egret! E23 Is Covered In Feathers As F23 Prepares Prey For A Feeding 💕 1.4.24 https://youtu.be/I3N9MtT0n7I
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Uncovers & moves Egg2! Multiple Feeding of Egret & Rabbit For E23 🐰 🐦 1.4.24 https://youtu.be/hQTi1zDnhgQ
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Brings In Her OWN FISH & Feeds E23 😊 M15 Adds To Food Fest w/ Another Fish 1.4.24 https://youtu.be/YL4bu3FbZu0
SWFL Eagles ~Beautiful TANDEM FEEDING! M15 Lands On F23’s Back w/ A Fish Piece 😊 Food Removal 1.4.24 https://youtu.be/yN4Gz_xQahw
SWFL Eagles ~ E23 Baby Pics 5 Days Old 💕 First Four Feedings By Mom & Dad! 1.5.24 https://youtu.be/z84kCDufQ7s
SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Does A Great Job STUFFING E23! M15 Brings In A Catfish & Partial Fish 🐟 1.5.24 https://youtu.be/xqtmspPhiQA
SWFL Eagles ~ We Have An Escapee! E23 Climbs Out Of Nest Bowl First Time At 6 Days Old! 💕😊 1.6.24 https://youtu.be/R0G1QCXLslk
SWFL Eagles ~ SO PRECIOUS!! E23’s Tiny Talons Holding On To Mom’s Talons 💕 Sleeping Beauty 💕 1.6.24 https://youtu.be/bDM78xLmdrU
F23 Is MOMBRELLA In Rain! ☔ M15 Feeds E23 Leftover Catfish & F23 Brings In Her Own Whole Fish 1.6.24 https://youtu.be/U8-qD_wQDBw
M Drops His Prey On Ground! Next Day, Retrieves It & Brings Back To Nest! F23 Flies Off w/ It 1.7.24 https://youtu.be/1GcBxqHrj6Q