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swfec Nest Notes extra: mother’s day past and present

F23 and E23 perched together on the attic branch. (SWFEC camera)

M15 successfully raised E21 and E22 after losing his beloved mate and Eagle Mom, Harriet. M15 took time to renew and refresh and found a constant Female companion. Their courtship gave promise that M15 would have a mate. He showered her with attention and food gifts. She took time to warm up to this new arrangement. The Female was stepping into a role that required the highest standards. She became F23 and Momma to a new generation. Although one egg sorrowfully did not hatch, E23 became a joyous and uplifting presence in the nest and territory. F23 used her best instincts to nurture her precious E23. 

M15 and F23 have become a bonded pair as they raised E23 together. F23 proved to be an exceptional Momma to E23. She protected E23 and passed on the lessons she learned in her life. The future looks bright for M15 and F23’s continued closeness. Hope is for their progress and success through the seasons, bringing new life into the world. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.

Ground Video by Androcat

SWFL Eagle Cam 9-1-23. M15 & Female in the Nest Tree; Leave Together Early do Eagle Things. 🦅🦅😊

SWFL Eagle Cam 9-13-23. M15 Joins F1 @ the Nest Tree; Eat Together in the Nest, Fly S Together. 😊

Ground Video by wskrsnwings

A Rainy Summer Morning ~ The Female Visits The Nest Tree 09.08.23

Action Packed Nestorations: Both Add/Place Sticks + A Discussion 09.28.23

Sticks/Grasses Added, Mating & Watching By M15 & F23, Then Out To Eat 11.03.23

Video by Androcat (ground and video captured from SWFEC cameras)

SWFEC 11-24-23. Congratulations to F23 & M15 on their First Egg as a new pair! Egg laid @ 17:54:37.

SWFEC 12-7-23. Moments in Time: F23, Preening Session on the DSPS at Sunrise; + Close-up view.

SWFEC 1-18-24. F23 Feeds E23 Leftover UFO, Close View! F23 Close-ups, + a Look at her Feet!

SWFL Eagles 3-13-24. The Two-23’s Together on the Attic for 1st Time; E23 Roosts on the Attic.

SWFL Eagles 5-7-24. F23’s Morning Pond Visit; Perches in the Shade Tree; Ground + Cam Video! 🦅🏝️

SWFL Eagles 5-8-24. F23 Brings Rabbit Prey to the Nest, Eats, Visits the Pond; M15 visits the nest.

Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)

SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Closeups Of The New Female! M15 & Lady E Together On the Attic! 💗 10.1.23

SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful Closeups Of F23 💗 M15 To Pond! Both Bring Sticks & Fly Off Together 10.10.23

SWFL Eagles ~ F23 LAYS HER SECOND EGG 💕 Fast Labor & Delivery! Congratulations M15 & F23 💕 11.27.23

SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Brings In Her OWN FISH & Feeds E23 😊 M15 Adds To Food Fest w/ Another Fish 1.4.24

SWFL Eagles ~ F23 Brings In A Whale Of A Fish! 🐟 Mom & Dad Stuff E23 With 4 Fish! 😊 1.30.24

SWFL Eagles ~ E23 & Mom Making Memories Together 💕 F23 Beautiful Closeups! 💕 4.13.24

SWFL Eagles ~ Beautiful F23 At Pond Taking Sips! Adult Across Street In Norfolk Pine! No E23! 5.7.24

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