M15 and F23 have been hard at work preparing their nest. Most mornings, they add sticks for the rails and fluff for the bole. M15 loves to take a break lying in the softness. F23 arrives with her additions and has been testing out the nest bole. The nest looks sturdy and comfortable and is shaping up beautifully. M15 and F23 work their magic as a team, even with disagreements on where to place materials.
M15 and F23 are spending more time together in the immediate area. M15 delivers a food gift for F23 in nest most days, which she takes to eat elsewhere. They engage in mating behaviors, fly and soar together, and perch together throughout the day. These actions strengthen their bond and commitment to each other and their future. F23 seems more engaged and protective of the territory. She spends afternoons perched and watchful high in the nest tree. M15 also stops by to check on the nest and make adjustments.
M15 and F23 have stayed overnight on occasion. They may be aware of the pesky owls who visit overnight and have taken an interest in the nest. The owls have visited from time to time. M15 and F23 will keep the area secure and intruders away. The general thought is the first to lay eggs gets the nest. Team M15 and F23 seem assured that they will be rearing their young in their valuable nest and territory. Nest Notes by dadsjazz.
Ground Video by Androcat
SWFL Eagles 10-21-24. M15 Gathers Grass; F23 & M15 Bring Sticks. https://youtu.be/pYKUpU_lbag
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
M & F “Busy as Bees” At The Nest ~ Sticks/A Pine Bough, ‘Discussions’ & Mating 10.22.24 https://youtu.be/iV3nwHkNZ_k
Video by Androcat (ground and captures from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles 10-13-24. Sticks & Grass for the Nest; Dynamics in the Nest; M15 Close-ups! https://youtu.be/ww2q08RjRG0
SWFL Eagles 10-13-24. M15 & F23 Fly in Together & Watch Over; F23 Close-ups; Nest Work & Mating! https://youtu.be/n5Egte1sspE
SWFL Eagles 10-14-24. Spotlight on F23! Stunning close-ups! Solo visit at the nest tree. 🥰 https://youtu.be/2-AfORhHbf4
SWFL Eagles 10-15-24. Ground + Cam Video; M15 & F23 Gather Sticks on the Fly & from the Ground! 🦅💪 https://youtu.be/yiMYKq5ccuE
SWFL Eagles 10-18-24. Night Moves: M15 Arrives at the Nest Tree at 1:50 AM, Stays Overnight. https://youtu.be/6r928CFleSk
SWFL Eagles 10-20-24. M15 & F23 Work the Evening Shift! F23 is Beautiful at the Pond; Both Get Sips! https://youtu.be/m1xr2jwIpcA
SWFL Eagles 10-23-24. Night Moves: M15 & F23 Fly in @ 1:14 AM; Spend the Night in the Nest Tree. https://youtu.be/qy5HDyDUnnk
SWFL Eagles 10-26-24. F23 Takes M15’s Food Gift to Go! Mating in the Office Oak + M15 Close-ups! https://youtu.be/EGSexRjkICs
SWFL Eagles 10-26-24. Late Evening at the Nest with M15 & F23; Dominance Display by F23. https://youtu.be/y9ymTmYbGoc
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Fly In For An Evening Rendezvous On Nest & Mating! 💕 10.13.24 https://youtu.be/vAgShQnUExw
SWFL Eagles ~ A Gold Medal Performance! 🏆 M15 Pole Vaults Across Nest & Jumps Back In! 🏆 10.16.24 https://youtu.be/8yx4qjkdm1g
SWFL Eagles ~ M & F23 Brings Sticks From Ground! M15 Brings A Fish – F23 Takes It On The Go 10.16.24 https://youtu.be/nDFmPPcvvEg
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Tests Out Nest 3 x’s & F23 Once! Sticks & Beak Discussions! F23 Huge Crop 10.17.24 https://youtu.be/H1MmKka-r2k
SWFL Eagles ~ Epic Nest Building M15 & F23! 3 Hours, 11 Sticks, Moss & Pine cone! Mating 💕 10.18.24 https://youtu.be/SvRDWcb0FRk
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Pond Visits, Sticks & Nest Discussions! M15 Puts 1st Stick On F23 😂 10.20.24 https://youtu.be/z6IrxJdxXSE
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 1st Overnight Stay At Nest Tree! 💕 Mating & F23’s Moss Delivery! 10.23.24 https://youtu.be/z5WJmDlLHlI
SWFL Eagles ~ M Delivers UFO For F23! She Takes Food Gift On The Go! Horses Wading In Pond 🐴10.24.24
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 & F23 Display Teamwork Adding Piles Of Fluff & Sticks! Both Test Out Nest 10.26.24 https://youtu.be/y9fPQpqd_xQ