E19 and E20 have become masterful young Juveniles soaring the skies and searching for new experiences. They are observant, taking in all the activity around them. They are courageous in defense of their territory. They are intelligent, absorb all the lessons presented, and are nearly ready for their big adventures.
E19 and E20 are at the point in their development when food is less convenient. They conserve their energy by finding a perch with good views for the chance to “catch” a meal. M15 dropped prey near the pond and various places for their practice. E19 and E20 associate the pond with a place to find food, forage around the water’s edge and swoop the ducks and birds there. They had a good lesson at the pond when M15 discovered a raccoon in distress. M15 cautiously poked the raccoon, realized it was alive, and kept his distance. One Juvenile observed M15 periodically checking it but staying away from its claws and face. The raccoon may have presented a good opportunity for a meal but was suspected to be sick from rodenticide. The raccoon was taken away and did not cause a problem for the Eagles.
Harriet and M15 have imparted many lessons to their capable Juveniles. M15 continues to bring food since Eagle Dads are the providers. Harriet delivered a fish, but she began her process of detaching by letting E19 and E20 find their way. Harriet still offers protection and a reminder to eat all the food or lose it. Harriet’s style is tough love, but her offspring are ready to face the challenges of Eagle life. E19 and E20 carry a cache of valuable knowledge and sharpened skills on their journeys as fierce young Raptors surviving in the wild. Nest Notes by dadsjazz
Photo courtesy of SWFEC camera
Ground Video by wskrsnwings
Skillful E’s – E19 Finds Food On Their Own & E20 Takes Food To Nest – Harriet Protects Her E’s 04.12.22 https://youtu.be/8MoCzF5n8fY
Skillful E’s… Conclusion 04.12.22 https://youtu.be/0FfOyf58Wuk
From Perch To Perch, Eagle Eyed Juvies – “You Look Right & I’ll Look Left” 04.15.22 https://youtu.be/uVp9_6vrHNk
Video by Lady Hawk (captured from SWFEC cameras)
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Flies To Nest With A FISH In Its Talons! 🐟 Shrike Dive Bombing! 🐦 4.12.22 https://youtu.be/bFi9t1X2hMQ
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Brings A Squirrel To Nest & Eats! E19 Waits & Then Makes A Steal! 4.12.22 https://youtu.be/HWE94S_XCkk
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Makes A Prey Drop To Ground Cove! E20 Claims It! Dad Catches A FISH & E19 Grabs It https://youtu.be/gU90XnDTp24
SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In LIVE Fish! E20 Claims But DROPS It! BATTLE For The Flopping Fish 4.12.22 https://youtu.be/odbElRadsvo
SWFL Eagles ~ Let’s Be Friends Or NOT! E19 Chases A Cormorant From Pond! 🐦 E20 Takes A Bath 4.13.22 https://youtu.be/VM8RfHdNMfY
SWFL Eagles ~ RK Rabbit On Menu! 🐰 E19 Claims Prey! E20 Is Late To Party But Makes A Steal 😊 4.14.22 https://youtu.be/7XP_UfwWJ08
SWFL Eagles ~ E19 Targets & Swoops Over A Cormorant! The E’s Join Harriet At The Pond! 4.14.22 https://youtu.be/zQ3B9rTfPHM
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Swipes At Pesky Shrikes! Falls Off Outer Attic! Harriet Has a Spa Day! 🛀 4.14.22 https://youtu.be/TnJFOsGh7VM
SWFL Eagles ~A Night To Remember! Entire Family Home Under The Pink Moon! Mom, Dad, 19 & 20🌙 4.15.22 https://youtu.be/O6AdiH2fgfg
SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet Flushes Out Juvie/SA From Upper Attic 🐦 M Flies In w/Fish – Everyone Wants It! https://youtu.be/n4WkG3rjsuU
SWFL Eagles ~ E20 Brings A Stick To The Nest! A Nice Contribution!🌿🍃 E19 Grabs A Pine Spring 4.16.22 https://youtu.be/hg6AaQtS6x0