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SWFEC Nest Notes: Brilliant Beauties

E19 and E20 stand tall and strong along the edge of the nest, and viewing them from the ground is a wondrous sight. They are brilliant beauties covered in Juvenile feathers, with magnificent wings extending across the nest flapping in the breeze. They watch the activity, track the birds flying overhead, and warn away any intruders from their nest. E19 and E20’s behaviors show their sense of self-awareness and self-protection. They are becoming great forces in their own right. E19 and E20 anticipate Mom and Dad arriving with prey and… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Brilliant Beauties

SWFEC Nest Notes: Changing By The Minute

E19 and E20 are turning six weeks old and are changing by the minute. Their beautiful dark juvenile feathers are quickly emerging. Telling them apart is difficult as they become closer in stature. Their behaviors are the most telling difference between them. E20 practices and has a good technique of self-feeding while sitting and holding the prey to pull off pieces. E20 “steals” food from E19 and Mom and Dad. It is no surprise that E20 achieved these skills first in finding ways to get to the meal. E19, still… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Changing By The Minute

SWFEC Nest Notes: Expanding All Over

E19 and E20 experience rapid growth of their tiny bodies that were about 3 ounces at hatch and are inching closer to Mom and Dad’s weight. They are standing, taking more steps, and gaining better balance and leg strength. Dark juvenile feathers emerge everywhere, especially on their beautifully growing wings that look like artists’ brushes. Cool and breezy weather prompts E19 and E20 to begin exercising and flapping their expanding wingspan. Harriet and M15 make sure E19 and E20 are well-nourished, contributing to their tremendous growth. Mom and Dad deliver… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Expanding All Over

SWFEC Nest Notes: Growing Tall and Strong

E19 and E20 turn four weeks old, are about a foot tall, and weigh 5 to 6 pounds. Their wingspan is nearly 2 feet, and juvenile feathers are popping out. Wiggly tails are almost 3 inches long, and big yellow feet and beaks are close to adult size. E19 and E20 are on a swift path in their development and are growing tall and strong. Harriet and M15 hunt far and wide to bring in prey for their ravenous babies. A wide variety of food has been brought to the… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Growing Tall and Strong

SWFEC Nest Notes: Eat, Sleep, Grow

Harriet and M15 seem to delight in the progress of their precious E19 and E20. So far, life has been mostly about eating, sleeping, and growing. E19 and E20 change in the blink of an eye as dark thermal down replaces the light fluff. Juvenile feathers begin to emerge on little wingtips.  E19 and E20 begin to discover and practice new innate behaviors and learn skills. Harriet and M15 perch above E19 and E20 as they scamper freely around the nest, peek above and through the nest rails. E19 and… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Eat, Sleep, Grow

SWFEC Nest Notes: Two Weeks Old and Sprouting All Over

Harriet and M15 watch as their precious Eaglets turn two weeks old and sprout out all over. E19 and E20 have thermal down emerging to help them regulate their body temperatures. Feet and wings seem to be growing faster than other body parts making them look awkward. They are almost too big to get under Dad and Mom for shade from the Florida sun or warmth over the cool nights. Harriet and M15 deliver plentiful, nutritious food that contributes to the tremendous growth spurts E19 and E20 are experiencing. Feeding… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Two Weeks Old and Sprouting All Over

SWFEC Nest Notes: A Fascinating Family of Four

Harriet and M15 welcomed E20 on 12-28-2021. E20 entered the world in full view with eyes wide opened and ready to go. Dad came to the nest to see his sweet baby emerging as Mom fed E19. The very next morning, E19 and E20 greeted each other with a few bops back and forth as the tussling began. They are, after all, young raptors, programmed to be assertive. They each hold their own as they engage in their antics. They learn quickly and observe all that goes on in their… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: A Fascinating Family of Four

SWFEC Nest Notes: Mom and Dad Welcome E19

Harriet and M15 work as a perfect force to form a solid bond and foundation for another generation of offspring. Their dedication to providing for the needs of each other and their family is awe-inspiring. Harriet and M15 welcomed E19 into their world on Monday, December 27th, 2021. E19 toiled throughout the day and night to break free after the first pip (crack in the egg) had been seen on Sunday. Dad was on the nest and eggs when E19 emerged, but he wouldn’t move to give a good view… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Mom and Dad Welcome E19

SWFEC Nest Notes: Mom and Dad Welcome E19

Harriet and M15 work as a perfect force to form a solid bond and foundation for another generation of offspring. Their dedication to providing for the needs of each other and their family is awe-inspiring. Harriet and M15 welcomed E19 into their world on Monday, December 27th, 2021. E19 toiled throughout the day and night to break free after the first pip (crack in the egg) had been seen on Sunday. Dad was on the nest and eggs when E19 emerged, but he wouldn’t move to give a good view… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Mom and Dad Welcome E19

SWFEC Nest Notes: Expecting Miracles

Harriet and M15 have worked in harmony over the months to prepare their nest and present their precious Eggs. The time is close for the little miracles to emerge into the world as the circle of Eagle life continues. Harriet and M15 adapt to whatever comes their way. This Season has its twists now that a family of Owls has taken over the alternate nest in the West pasture. The unfolding story will be interesting as they all rear their young. They will strive to protect their families using their… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Expecting Miracles