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SWFEC Nest Notes: Delivering Joy into the World (12/6/2022)

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Harriet and M15 have proven time and time again resilience throughout their journey. They faced losses over the years but remained driven to carry their legacy onward. The recent storm damaged the tree they call home and destroyed their nest. Harriet and M15 found a haven to safely ride out the horrendous weather and returned to their territory to begin reconstruction and renovation. Harriet and M15 powered through and built a beautiful nest.

Weekly Nest Notes: A Season of Surprises

Harriet and M15 traditionally are just returning from their Summer break after a Season of raising their offspring. They reunite, renew their bond, and begin the process of working on their nest for the upcoming nesting Season. The 2019/2020 Nesting Season has been extended and has been one of twists and turns. Harriet and M15 withstood many tests that come with Eagle life and faced adversity with courage and resilience. They dealt with the sudden loss of their priceless Eaglet E14 and nonviable Egg 2 with determination to continue their… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: A Season of Surprises

Weekly Nest Notes: Soaring to New Horizons

E15 and E16 grew more independent over the week preparing for the journey ahead. They sought out new sights soaring far and high on the thermals and sailing through the clouds. Although they have become less tolerant of each other, they spent the morning perched on the pylons at the pond. They took in the sights and swooped the ducks. A while later E16 flew to the nest tree for possibly one last look. E16 took off on a long winding flight around the territory eventually disappearing into the Southeast… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Soaring to New Horizons

Weekly Nest Notes: Ready for the Freedom of Flight

E15 and E16 are turning 12 weeks old and look fully grown. They appear larger than Adults because of their longer wing and tail feathers that help them in flying and soaring. They weigh less than Adults but will build muscle mass as they mature.  Earlier in the week, E15 fledged accidentally while hopping the nest tree branches. E15 spent the night in a front pine and, the next morning flew around the pasture to the nest. E15 was then knocked off the attic branch one evening by the pesky… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Ready for the Freedom of Flight

Weekly Nest Notes: Welcome E15 & E16!

Harriet and M15 were not about to give up on their nesting season and the opportunity to add to their majestic species.  In their true spirit of persistence and devotion, they succeeded in presenting their second clutch, Egg 3 and Egg 4. Harriet and M15 selflessly executed another round of incubating their treasured Eggs. They have extended their season well into the hotter months of the year and brave the seemingly unbearable conditions to continue on their mission. Harriet and M15 watched and listened as Egg 3 showed signs of… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Welcome E15 & E16!

Weekly Nest Notes: Exchanging Places (March 10)

Harriet and M15 kept up their efficient exchanges incubating their treasured Eggs through the week. As one arises to stretch and take a break from nest duty the other is on the spot to take their turn. They while away the hours on the nest watching the comings and goings in the vicinity. This is their second go-around of incubating Eggs this Season and in a few weeks, their consistent commitment will reveal the fruits of their labor. Harriet and M15 appear especially sensitive to visitors in the territory. They… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Exchanging Places (March 10)

Weekly Nest Notes: Living the Eagle Life

Harriet and M15 are adapting to Eagle life after the passing of E14. This is a different journey for Harriet over past nesting seasons that have been observed. In two previous seasons, there was a loss of an Eaglet leaving an Eaglet to be cared for. Since the second Egg did not hatch, Harriet and M15 have to adjust to a nesting season with no babies to raise.  They are hard-wired to perpetuate their species and this is new territory in fulfilling their purpose. Will Harriet and M15 try again… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Living the Eagle Life

Special Edition Nest Notes: E14 Soaring the Heavens

The Bald Eagle has long been celebrated by humankind for their strength, wisdom, hope, courage, and loyalty.  They have been held in reverence by many religions and cultures as an integral part of their traditions and spirituality. Magnificent flights take the Eagle to the highest heights among and above the clouds. This ability has been believed to create balance in their lives, allowing powerful vision while keeping a strong connection to the earth. Their survival commands them to live life in the moment and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They fearlessly… Read More »Special Edition Nest Notes: E14 Soaring the Heavens

Weekly Nest Notes: Heading Upward (Jan. 14, 2020)

Harriet and M15 continue nurturing E14 on their fast track of growing strong and tall. Close to 4 weeks old, E14’s wingspan is nearly 2 feet and their little tail wiggles at almost 2 inches long. Upward and outward is the direction of E14’s stature as they are over a foot tall, weighing 5 to 6 pounds with a beak and feet that are almost fully grown. E14 is now able to be viewed from the ground with head and wings at times above the nest rails. Sleep and nourishing… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Heading Upward (Jan. 14, 2020)

Weekly Nest Notes: Growing & Learning (Jan. 7, 2020)

Harriet and M15 have watched E14 growing before their eyes over the last 2 weeks.  At hatching time E14 weighed about 2 ounces and was 3 inches tall. Now approaching 3 weeks, E14 is about a foot tall and weighs close to 3 pounds. E14 is mostly covered with darker grey thermal down feathers to help regulate their body temperature. E14 is alert and strong in between long naps that produce more growing spurts. Feet are bumping out quickly and little wings are developing pin feathers. E14 preens those sprouting… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Growing & Learning (Jan. 7, 2020)