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Special Nest Notes: E14 is Here!

Harriet and M15 spent countless hours protecting and incubating their cherished Eggs. They each took long breaks away from their nest duties possibly knowing that hatch time was approaching. They may also have sensed their workload will ramp up once eaglets arrive. Feeding and tending to their growing babies requires a lot of energy. M15 made sure the pantry was stocked with fish in anticipation of the new arrivals. Harriet and M15 have realized their reward as E14 began the hatching process and completely emerged from the shell on December… Read More »Special Nest Notes: E14 is Here!

Weekly Nest Notes: Countdown to Hatch (Dec. 10)

Harriet and M15 have been an efficient and unstoppable incubating team keeping their cherished Eggs in optimal condition. Soon it will be time for their new generation of Eaglets to break into the world. Mom and Dad welcome their rolls of nurturing and encouraging their new boisterous babies. They will then turn their focus to around the clock feeding and brooding of their hatchlings keeping them well fed, warm and protected. Harriet and M15 may appear to be looking and listening and may feel movement and peeps from the chick… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Countdown to Hatch (Dec. 10)

Weekly Nest Notes: Perfecting the Timing (Dec. 3)

Harriet and M15 have perfected the timing of their nest duty exchanges. One flies in with grass, sticks or a prey item and the other is ready to leave without missing a beat. They spend countless hours carefully rolling and incubating their treasured Eggs. Watching the skies and territory, preening and pulling grasses closer are done while protecting the Eggs which are about halfway to the hatching their precious Eaglets. Harriet and M15 engage in self-care during their free time, keeping themselves clean, strong, and nourished. Their chosen home territory… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Perfecting the Timing (Dec. 3)

Weekly Nest Notes: Patience & Dedication (Nov. 26)

Harriet and M15 provided continuous care and incubation of their prized packages over the week.  Around the clock, well-timed exchanges assure the Eggs will be warm and positioned just right. Harriet and M15 each take time away from nest duties to engage in soaring the skies, taking a refreshing bath in their pond and hunting prey for themselves. There have not been many food deliveries to the nest possibly to not attract others looking for a meal. Harriet and M15 continued bringing grasses and a stick or two keeping the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Patience & Dedication (Nov. 26)

Weekly Nest Notes: Presenting the New Arrivals (Nov 19.)

Harriet and M15 began the week placing more materials in the nest for the arrival of their greatly anticipated Eggs. Additional sticks and grasses were brought as the nest becomes a secure and comfy nursery. Everything looked to be on schedule since Harriet has been known to lay their Eggs closer to the middle or end of November. Nature follows a path that adheres to principles unknown to humans. Instincts and inherent behaviors guide Harriet and M15 in their daily lives. Harriet laid the first Egg of the Season on… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Presenting the New Arrivals (Nov 19.)

Weekly Nest Notes: The Work & The Wait (Nov. 12)

Harriet and M15 eased their way into a new Nesting Season after their time off with restored energy, renewing their bond and reinforcing their growing nest. M15 has become a master builder, finding the perfect stick and nest material to add in just the right places with Harriet’s approval, of course. Harriet’s days have been spent closer to home watching, preening, and waiting to see what gems M15 will fly in with. His discoveries include large sticks, fluffy moss or grass, an air plant, and food gifts for Harriet. Their… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: The Work & The Wait (Nov. 12)

Weekly Nest Notes: Defend & Protect (Nov. 5, 2019)

Harriet and M15 engage all their instincts pursuing the greater purpose of adding to their legacy. Their success depends on tried and true behaviors of defending and protecting their territory and  soon to be eggs and Eaglets. These sensitive times have them on high alert to all that happens in the area. Intruders were escorted away from the pasture and nest tree and the neighboring Eagle pair were reminded to stay away from the territory. Harriet slept in the nest overnight with M15 perched nearby to notify all that there… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Defend & Protect (Nov. 5, 2019)

Weekly Nest Notes: Sharing the Commitment (Oct. 29)

Harriet and M15 have assembled a wide variety of materials, giving their nest a beautiful updating. Strong sticks and branches balanced with soft grasses and palm fronds make a sturdy home for their family. Harriet arrived with a bough of fresh pine and added her touches, too.  There were discussions between them as to where items were placed, with Harriet usually having the final word. This attractive home may look inviting to others in search for a place to raise their young.  Sub-Adult Eagles migrating through the area stopped by… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Sharing the Commitment (Oct. 29)

Weekly Nest Notes (Oct 22, 2019)- Securing the Home Front

Harriet and M15 are on a mission adding to the nest rail perimeter which is growing higher and higher.  M15 snags perfectly curved sticks from the nearby trees and Harriet finds a fresh sprig of pine to adorn their nest. M15 tests out the nest bowl, lying in it for a few minutes then flying off to gather softer grasses for the center.  As they make all the essential adjustments to their sprawling nest, their home front is looking strong and secure to contain soon to arrive feisty eaglets. Harriet… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes (Oct 22, 2019)- Securing the Home Front

Weekly Nest Notes (Oct. 14) : Building & Bonding

Harriet and M15 continued their “nestorations” through the week showing their impressive skills. Early mornings find them performing amazing aerial stick grabs, returning to the nest with their “catches.” Harriet has done her fair share of nest building while giving orders to M15 on material placement. Harriet also reminds M15 of her intentions with her vocals and  famous foot “love tap” when she is ready for mating. They are well-tuned with each other and the time for building and bonding is robust. Harriet and M15 are united in all their… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes (Oct. 14) : Building & Bonding