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Remembering E3- Nest Notes, Videos and Photos- Feb 2

In the quiet and peaceful early morning hours sweet E3 passed on to soar to greater heights. Little sibling E4 was there to comfort and help send E3 on her way. Some native cultures believe the Eagle carries prayers to the Creator. Many cultures have spiritual connections to Eagles believing they represent strength, knowledge, faith, courage, vision and freedom to mention a few. There are centuries old legends connecting man and eagles. We have learned many lessons by observing them. Although E3 was on the earth short time we were… Read More »Remembering E3- Nest Notes, Videos and Photos- Feb 2

A Sad Day- Statement on E3’s Passing

It is with heavy hearts, we bring you an update on E3- this season’s elder eaglet: After a few days of a noticeable behavior change, E3’s health deteriorated and passed away in the nest early this morning.   While we may never know what caused the death of E3, we hope the documented videos and reports will help educate biologists and researchers & possibly save future eagles/eaglets. We all mourn together with the reminder that we are merely observers; given the rare and unique opportunity to witness these eagles in the… Read More »A Sad Day- Statement on E3’s Passing

E3’s Change in Behavior- What we Know

A number of viewers have remarked on the change in behavior of E3 lately. There can be a number of reasons for the change:  Up until recently E3 consumed the lion’s share of nutrition and grew at a fast pace – which is completely normal. During their development there does come a time when the demand for food does appear to decrease. Partly it is our perception because it seems they don’t eat as frequently. But the larger pieces they consume at a feeding now fills the crop much faster.… Read More »E3’s Change in Behavior- What we Know

Singing in the Rain- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 31

The second full day of rain seems to have got the best of E3 and E4. This day started out wet and soggy but turned out to be better allowing Ozzie, Harriet and the E’s to begin drying out. Ozzie delivered a UFO (unidentified food item) and a fresh fish. It is always interesting to see what is on the menu for mealtime. Harriet came to the nest to serve the fish to E3 and E4 since she always appears to want to feed the E’s. E4 is very vocal… Read More »Singing in the Rain- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 31

Rain, Rain Go Away! Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 30

Rain, Rain Go Away E3 and E4 got a good dose of the steady rain that has been falling for the last day. Nature provides what nature needs but little E’s may have been very tired of all this wetness. Mom and Dad did their best to shield E3 and E4 from the elements but their growing bodies were not so easy to cover. Ozzie and Harriet were also on guard duty as a possible intruder flew by the nest in the afternoon. The rain put a great damper on… Read More »Rain, Rain Go Away! Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 30

Wings of Love- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 29

It was a foggy start to the day and E3 and E4 looked for their morning feeding which was left over from yesterday. Dad brought most of the food and Mom delivered sticks and branches to build up the nest rails. The feeding times were very calm with each E waiting its turn for a bite. The sibling rivalry and competition for food seems to be subsiding. As the day progressed, rain arrived and cooler weather with it.Today’s new “E lessons” –the weather isn’t always sunny and warm and wet… Read More »Wings of Love- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 29

Variety is the Spice of E Meals- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 28

The morning hours were foggy which made hunting and fishing difficult for Ozzie and Harriet. The food deliveries were very diverse today. Some of the meals were UFO’s, unidentified food objects. The lesson for today may have been to eat what is provided. E3 and E4 anticipated coming food and were very excited to see Mom arrive with what looked like road kill. More food deliveries and feeding were enjoyed through the day.  E3 and E4 are entering another stage of growth and seem to be changing minute by minute.… Read More »Variety is the Spice of E Meals- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 28

Special Moments- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 27

Harriet and Ozzie have had great success with very fresh fish deliveries.The fish were so fresh that several were still flopping in the nest. Maybe Mom and Dad are teaching E3 and E4 to associate the live prey as the food they will eventually be hunting for themselves. Growing strong and learning is on the E’s schedule for the days ahead. Mom and Dad shared special moments with the E’s today. E3 and E4 had good feedings and were very calm and cooperative during mealtime.  Ozzie drove off a possible… Read More »Special Moments- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 27

Peace and Harmony- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 26

All seems to be going in a good direction for Ozzie, Harriet, E3, E4 and all who love this Eagle Family. The early morning began with the E’s awake. Ozzie and Harriet took turns in their search for the catch of the day to bring back to the patiently waiting E’s. Today the growing E’s were interested in moving sticks and materials around and exploring the nest. Harriet brought a large catfish to the nest for the first meal and both E’s were well fed. E 4 later pecked at… Read More »Peace and Harmony- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 26

Good Vibrations- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 25.

The Eagle Family interactions take interesting twists and turns. There seem to be playful and civil moments between E3 and E4. E4 had a calm feeding time with Mom. Dad accidentally bonked E3 with a stick and E3 immediately went into a submissive position which may have been a first time to see this from E3. The food deliveries and feeding times have been less of a battle. The whole Family has been getting into a good rhythm. E3 and E4 watch Mom and Dad intently. They are very aware… Read More »Good Vibrations- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Jan 25.