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Weekly Nest Notes: The Great Defenders

E12 and E13 have been observing Mom and Dad over the months taking in all the valuable lessons and putting them into play. Mom reminded E13 to not give up on the food when she went to the nest to finish a meal that Dad delivered. E13 immediately returned to nest to engage in a tug-0-war winning the prize. Dad then delivered a fish and E13 mantled and claimed that too. E13 has perfected the art of the steal and did an excellent job of protecting and defending all the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: The Great Defenders

Weekly Nest Notes: Watch Us Grow

E12 and E13’s development is on the  fast track as they grow bigger and stronger right before our eyes.  They are adding about 5 ounces of weight each day and are at least a foot tall. Their new darker thermal down helps them keep cool or warm as needed.  They pick at and preen themselves as feathers continue to grow in and also to help their juvenile pin feathers that are starting to emerge on sprouting wings and tails.   They are exercising and flapping their wings that span around… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Watch Us Grow

Weekly Nest Notes: Contemplating the Coming Events

Harriet and M15 add the finishing touches to the nest with soft grasses and moss for their eggs and with many strong sticks for rails to secure hatchlings. M15 has become the master nest builder finding the perfect nest materials and air plant gifts for Harriet. Harriet likes to observe and add her voice and choice of where she wants everything placed.  Harriet has been much of a homebody these days, perching on the outer branches of the nest tree watching the territory and preening. She may be savoring these… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Contemplating the Coming Events

Nest Activity for Dec 6

Guarding, Incubating and Waiting SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Friday, December 6, 2013 Ozzie and Harriet began their vocal conversations before sunrise. Ozzie arrived at 5:56 am to take over incubating as Harriet flew off the nest. The foggy morning gave way to a very warm day at the nest. There were a few exchanges throughout the day as Ozzie and Harriet each had their turn caring for their precious eggs. The usually calm Ozzie seemed agitated today with the starlings and other birds flying to close for his liking. He took… Read More »Nest Activity for Dec 6