Live American Bald Eagle Cams. 4 cameras. Live 24/7. The World’s First Live Streamed nature 360 immersive cam.
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- swfec information on second clutchesby dadsjazzSouthwest Florida Eagle Cam has experienced many firsts since the cameras began streaming in 2012. There have been many observations and theories of Eagle behavior that have since been adjusted because of all the Eagle cameras available today. There are not many documented incidents of second or double clutches in a nest after raising young.Here… Read More »swfec information on second clutches
- SWFEC Nest Notes: e24 and e25, five weeks old and flourishingby dadsjazzE24 and E25 are flourishing, as they are now five weeks old. They begin to present as beautiful young raptors with sleek dark feathers starting to cover their growing bodies. This stage of their progress has them coordinating all the body parts to work together. They preen and care for their feathers, gain more control… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: e24 and e25, five weeks old and flourishing
- swfec nest notes: e24 and e25 making great stridesby dadsjazzE24 and E25 are making great strides in their development as they turn 4 weeks old. M15 and F23 have provided a bounty of fish and prey for their nourishment. They keep E24 and E25 well-fed, often working in tandem at mealtime. The menu has been diverse, with the addition of interesting items. Over the… Read More »swfec nest notes: e24 and e25 making great strides
- swfec nest notes: e24 and e25, beak to beak and talon to talonby dadsjazzE24 and E25 are cruising into week 4 as two flourishing Eaglets experiencing remarkable growth. They eat so well that they have not been hungry for a minute, even though they eagerly step up when food is delivered. E24 will give E25 a peck or two to keep their place established. E25 has learned to… Read More »swfec nest notes: e24 and e25, beak to beak and talon to talon
- swfec nest notes: growing, learning, exploringby dadsjazzM15 and F23 have introduced E24 and E25 to various prey items over the past week. The menu, in addition to fish, included a rabbit, different birds, and some things that were not identifiable. All this good nutrition is contributing to their rapid growth. Feet, tails, and wings are bumping out. E24 and E25 preen… Read More »swfec nest notes: growing, learning, exploring
- swfec nest notes: first week of eagle life for e24 and e25by dadsjazzM15, F23, E24, and E25 have settled in as an Eagle Family. E24 and E25 have been showered with excellent nurturing by Dad and Momma. They have been fed well, protected from the elements, and kept secure in the first week of Eagle life. M15 and F23 brought fish and prey to keep their growing… Read More »swfec nest notes: first week of eagle life for e24 and e25
- swfec nest notes: two miracles have arrivedby dadsjazzM15 and F23 are in Dad and Momma mode now that E24 and E25 are here. E24 hatched on 12/14/2024, Day 36, at 4:01 pm. F23 brought in the first fish as E24 was emerging from the shell. M15 was eager to see their new baby and took over nest sitting immediately. M15 and F23… Read More »swfec nest notes: two miracles have arrived
- swfec nest notes: time for the reveal is nearby dadsjazzM15 and F23 have checked all the boxes over the past 32 days, caring for their precious packages. They continuously add soft grass and nesting to keep their treasures warm and secure. They spent hours incubating and tending to the Eggs. They keep the area free from all intruders of their air space and nest… Read More »swfec nest notes: time for the reveal is near
- swfec Nest Notes: halfway to hatch timeby dadsjazzM15 and F23 have carefully and consistently kept their treasures safe and secure. Incubation appears to be a boring time for them as they spend hours in the nest. All the while, many changes are going on right under their beaks. The time frame is about halfway to when a new generation of offspring will… Read More »swfec Nest Notes: halfway to hatch time
- swfec nest notes: m15 and f23, perfect incubating and security teamby dadsjazzM15 and F23 have become a perfect team as they execute nest duty exchanges. M15 is more than willing to take over incubating their precious Eggs. F23 coaxes him to give up his turn to her with soft vocals and gentle nudging. M15, in his usual style, will arrive with a stick or mound of… Read More »swfec nest notes: m15 and f23, perfect incubating and security team
- swfec nest notes: m15 and f23 welcome egg 1 and egg 2by dadsjazzM15 and F23 have been hard at work preparing their nest for the arrival of Eggs and Eaglets. They brought in many sturdy sticks and fluff and tested the nest bole for comfort and softness. F23 would spend more time lying in the bole and looking like she would lay an egg at any moment.… Read More »swfec nest notes: m15 and f23 welcome egg 1 and egg 2
- swfec nest notes: togetherness and teamworkby dadsjazzM15 and F23 have been hard at work preparing their nest. Most mornings, they add sticks for the rails and fluff for the bole. M15 loves to take a break lying in the softness. F23 arrives with her additions and has been testing out the nest bole. The nest looks sturdy and comfortable and is… Read More »swfec nest notes: togetherness and teamwork
- swfec nest notes: m15 and f23 weather the stormby dadsjazzM15 and F23 rely on their exceptional instincts as they maneuver through their lives. Nest building, choosing a mate, and raising a family together are all part of their innate abilities. Over the past few months, M15 and F23 have been preparing their nest for eggs. Their fortifications have proven sound in the face of… Read More »swfec nest notes: m15 and f23 weather the storm
- swfec nest notes: welcome to season 13 with m15 and f23by dadsjazzM15 and F23 returned to the territory to show their commitment to a new season of building, bonding, and, hopefully, eggs and eaglets. They arrived early on the first official day of the 2024/2025 Nesting Season. They brought sticks and nesting and had serious discussions about the items. F23 has grown into her role as… Read More »swfec nest notes: welcome to season 13 with m15 and f23
- swfec Nest Notes: preparing for season 13by dadsjazzM15 and F23 are entering their second season as a bonded Eagle pair. They have been busy over the last few weeks preparing for Season 13, which officially starts on October 1. F23 was seen in the area from time to time over the summer. M15 returned from his vacation around August 24. M15 and… Read More »swfec Nest Notes: preparing for season 13
- swfec nest notes extra: father’s day honors for m15by dadsjazzM15 is honored on this special Father’s Day. After the tragic loss of his beloved mate Harriet, he soldiered on as a solo Eagle Dad to raise their eaglets to fledge and go on to live their best Eagle lives. M15 accomplished this unmeasurable feat with courage and bravery. M15’s overwhelming instincts to protect and… Read More »swfec nest notes extra: father’s day honors for m15
- swfec Nest Notes extra: mother’s day past and presentby dadsjazzM15 successfully raised E21 and E22 after losing his beloved mate and Eagle Mom, Harriet. M15 took time to renew and refresh and found a constant Female companion. Their courtship gave promise that M15 would have a mate. He showered her with attention and food gifts. She took time to warm up to this new arrangement.… Read More »swfec Nest Notes extra: mother’s day past and present
- SWFEC Nest Notes: e23 may be starting a new chapterby dadsjazzM15 and F23 began their story over the late summer months of 2023 and engaged in building a bond. They became Dad and Momma, raising E23 to become a remarkable Juvenile Eagle. E23 watched, learned, and progressed through all the milestones and lessons. E23 has mastered many of the skills needed to succeed in Eagle… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: e23 may be starting a new chapter
- swfec nest notes: E23 at 120 days old is ready and ableby dadsjazzM15 and F23 were home more throughout the last week. They each brought prey to the nest. Dad waited for E23 to arrive and claim the food. Momma was not as patient and proceeded to eat her catch, a reminder to E23 to be on the lookout for an easy meal. Mastering hunting will be… Read More »swfec nest notes: E23 at 120 days old is ready and able
- SWFEC Nest Notes: M15, F23, and E23 Spend Family Time Togetherby dadsjazzM15 and F23 are fulfilling their purpose and have prepared E23 exceptionally well for life in the wild. E23 has become a fierce competitor for food, which will be the biggest challenge. E23 aggressively fended off F23 to keep the prey, just what she wanted to see E23 do. E23 protects and commands the nest… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: M15, F23, and E23 Spend Family Time Together
- swfec nest notes: e23-a formidable young raptorby dadsjazzM15 and F23 must take great pride in E23’s progression into becoming a forceful young raptor coming into their own. M15 and F23 nurtured and helped enrich their sensational offspring over the past 15 weeks. E23 has been a fast study and has surpassed many milestones. E23 has become a striking and formidable force in… Read More »swfec nest notes: e23-a formidable young raptor