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SWFEC Nest Notes: Preparing the Homestead

Harriet and M15 ramped up nest refurbishing through the week as they ready the homestead for coming events. They search near and far for all the proper materials for the nest. They wrangle with the big sticks brought in to sturdy up the perimeter rails. Harriet arrives with her favorite pine boughs to decorate the nest. Grass and moss got added to the nicely forming nest center where M15 shimmies down to test the depth and softness. Harriet and M15 have disagreements over the nest building, courtship, and chick-rearing. Harriet… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Preparing the Homestead

SWFEC Nest Notes: Into The Swing of The Season

Harriet and M15 exchange vocals and greet the sunrise. They survey the area and begin their work by adding materials and sticks to prepare the nest. Harriet and M15 reestablish their bond by perching and roosting together and engaging in mating behaviors. They spend the early mornings and the evenings together and fly off in the warm afternoons to a shady perch place. Harriet and M15 progress through the Seasons in predictable ways with a few twists to keep it interesting. M15 usually delivers food gifts to Harriet as a… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Into The Swing of The Season

SWFEC Nesting Season2021 Kickoff

Harriet and M15 kicked off the first day of Nesting Season with a flurry of nest work. They made appearances in the area over the last few months to check the condition of the nest and take inventory of what is needed. They both delivered sticks and materials and squabbled over the placement of the items. Harriet added fresh pine sprigs and even brought a flopping fish for dinner in the nest. Harriet and M15 are adapting well to a few changes in the nest tree and pasture. The outer… Read More »SWFEC Nesting Season2021 Kickoff

SWFEC Nesting Season 2021 Kickoff Harriet and M15 kicked off the first day of Nesting Season with a flurry of nest work. They made appearances in the area over the last few months to check the condition of the nest and take inventory of what is needed. They both delivered sticks and materials and squabbled over the placement of the items. Harriet added fresh pine sprigs and even brought a flopping fish for dinner in the nest.  Harriet and M15 are adapting well to a few changes in the nest… Read More »

Weekly Nest Notes Season 9 Final: The Journey to Greatness

Harriet and M15 are adjusting to their overdue downtime as Season 9 comes to a close. E17 and E18 have embarked on their adventures to discover all that Eagle life holds for them. Mom and Dad succeeded in their efforts to rear energetic, intelligent Juvenile Eagles. Harriet and M15 have expended tremendous effort over the past two Seasons that overlapped without much time off since 2019. The events over this time were both tragic and miraculous, which represents the reality of Eagle life. Harriet and M15 embody courage and resilience… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes Season 9 Final: The Journey to Greatness

Weekly Nest Notes: The Passage to Eagle Life

E17 and E18 have excelled in Eagle education over the months. They are still improving as they build upon their skills. Some dynamics changed over the week when they roosted away from the nest tree in a front pine overnight. The first few nights they perched together on a branch. The next nights, E18 objected to E17 being in the same space and pushed them away to roost alone on a branch under the nest. They tolerated each other at times and then scuffled and sparred at the pond and… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: The Passage to Eagle Life

Weekly Nest Notes: Ready for the Journey

E17 and E18 are readying for Eagle life as they wander and discover the territory and beyond. They spend many afternoons away from the nest tree. In a flash, they show up to fight over a meal delivery. They perch together at times and seem to want their own space at other times. Their frolicking on the pond bank became a scuffle to warn the other away. They soared the skies in unison one minute then practiced aerial battle the next. These two strong Juvenile Eagles are coming into their… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Ready for the Journey

Weekly Nest Notes: Exploring and Enjoying the Territory

E17 and E18 are expanding their boundaries as they explore new perches in the territory. With growing interest and curiosity, they dash off from place to place seeking new experiences. Many of their feats and adventures are in the early mornings and evenings. They rested in the hot afternoons among the shady trees in the West pasture. E18 took a farther flight to a tree where Harriet and M15 perch lazing away the afternoons.  E17 and E18 enjoy the comforts of the pond on warm days where wading in the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Exploring and Enjoying the Territory

Weekly Nest Notes: Juvenile Eagles Flying Far and High

E17 and E18 have graduated to Juvenile Eagle status now that they are flying everywhere. The breezes and other birds giving chase help them along their way. They enjoy the pond trees and snags while perching in the warm afternoons. They take dips and sips in the water and chase each other around the pond bank. E17 and E18 are flying higher and farther on their daily excursions around the territory. Harriet and M15 begin to encourage E17 and E18 to follow them to favorite hunting and fishing areas. Food… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Juvenile Eagles Flying Far and High

Weekly Nest Notes: Fantastic Fledglings, Excellent Explorers

E17 and E18 are off on amazing adventures now that E18 took an exceptional first flight from the nest tree. No one would have guessed that a rainy morning would result in E18′s fledging with wet wings and all. In the short time since they took their initial voyages, they are mastering more skills. They are agile and beautiful fliers as they twist, turn, and land with precision. Each adjusted to being on the ground and flying up and away with little effort. Fearless E17 and E18′s jaunts carry them… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Fantastic Fledglings, Excellent Explorers