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Weekly Nest Notes: Breaking Records Along the Way

E15 and E16 are intelligent and observant Eaglets taking the lessons of Eagle life in stride. At 8 weeks old they are almost fully grown with magnificent wingspans that allow them to flap away,  jump, and gain airtime in the breezes. They are balanced and confident in their jaunts around the nest and time perched on the rails. E15 has been eyeing the veranda and porch branches and looking curiously the Starlings perched there. Seeing Mom and Dad in the upper branches may have been an invitation for adventure. On… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Breaking Records Along the Way

Weekly Nest Notes: Brilliant Beauties

E15 and E16 have begun to look so much alike over the week it is hard to tell one from the other. It was just about 7 weeks ago that these two were little helpless Hatchlings.  They now stand with balance and confidence while preening, walking the perimeter of the nest and flapping their amazing wings. E15 and E16’s dark Juvenile feathers are brilliant and their stature is stunningly beautiful. E15 and E16 are progressing at a steady pace and will soon be adult-size. They spend more time awake scanning… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Brilliant Beauties

Weekly Nest Notes: Winging, Walking & Watching

E15 and E16 are turning 6 weeks old and have come a very long way in a short time. They experienced rapid growth over the first month and are now building strength and coordination. They are becoming beauties with sparkling eyes and dark Juvenile feathers sprouting all over. E16 is catching up nicely to older sibling E15. They started with baby steps and are now standing upright and walking more.  Their wings are impressive and sprawling as they flap away in the breezes. They courageously teeter on the rails watching… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Winging, Walking & Watching

Weekly Nest Notes: Braving the Boundaries

E15 and E16 are becoming more and more adventurous as they transition to the next phase of their growth. They spend more time on the nest rails where the air is cooler and the views are more interesting. Their bottom-heavy bodies will keep them anchored so they won’t fall over. Earlier in the week, Harriet coaxed them away from the edge but many times they went right back. Pushing the boundaries equals lessons in confidence and survival for these curious young raptors. Harriet and M15 provided plentiful meals for E15… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Braving the Boundaries

Weekly Nest Notes: Growing Fast & Strong

E15 and E16 are developing at a fascinating pace as they reach 4 weeks old. E15 is over a foot tall, weighs around 5-6 pounds with close to a 3-foot wingspan. E16 is a few steps behind but quickly closing in on older E15’s stature. They interact much like human siblings, civil one minute and rumbling the next. While E15 is aggressive at meal-time and gets to the food first, E16 has learned to lay low and make their move to the food when the time is right. Harriet and… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Growing Fast & Strong

Weekly Nest Notes: Here We Grow!

Harriet and M15 focus on the constant care of their lively Eaglets. The rate at which E15 and E16 are growing requires a great amount of nutrition to fuel their sprouting bodies. Hatching just about 3 short weeks ago, E15 and E16 weighed about 2 ounces and were around 3 inches tall.  Darker thermal down feathers have mostly replaced their natal down allowing them to regulate their body temperatures. They gain around 5 ounces per day, are about 1 foot tall and close to 3 pounds. Pin feathers start to… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Here We Grow!

Weekly Nest Notes: Eating, Sleeping & Growing

Harriet and M15 have their work cut out keeping E15 and E16’s needs met as they approach 2 weeks old. Harriet did her share bringing fish and prey to the nest. M15 used his hunting skills to provide food for hungry Eaglets. There were interesting items delivered to the nest including a pet toy squirrel that Harriet mistook for real. The de-furring never ended in anything but fluffy stuffing. M15 seemed to want to offer it food while the E15 and E16 climbed over and snuggled with it.  All seemed… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Eating, Sleeping & Growing

Weekly Nest Notes: Welcome E15 & E16!

Harriet and M15 were not about to give up on their nesting season and the opportunity to add to their majestic species.  In their true spirit of persistence and devotion, they succeeded in presenting their second clutch, Egg 3 and Egg 4. Harriet and M15 selflessly executed another round of incubating their treasured Eggs. They have extended their season well into the hotter months of the year and brave the seemingly unbearable conditions to continue on their mission. Harriet and M15 watched and listened as Egg 3 showed signs of… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Welcome E15 & E16!

Weekly Nest Notes: Signs of Coming Events (March 23)

Harriet and M15 are entering the final phase of incubating their priceless Eggs and hopefully, next week will reveal the results of their dedication. This nesting Season came to an unfortunate abrupt ending, but Harriet and M15 decided that they would persevere by starting anew. They are completely invested in fulfilling their goal of bringing new life into the Eagle world. They have performed in their usual fine-tuned manner as they exchange and share nest duties. Food has begun to trickle into the nest which is one sign of coming… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Signs of Coming Events (March 23)

Weekly Nest Notes: Rolling to the Halfway Mark (March 16)

Harriet and M15 keep up the exceptional care of their precious Eggs as they are about at the halfway point to hatching. Warmer temperatures show them diligently rolling and incubating the Eggs while enduring direct midday sun and heat in the process. Their intricate feather system allows for perfect regulation of their body temperatures and that of the Eggs.  They step off the nest bowl from time to time, even flying off to the pond for a drink. They are always within eyeshot of the nest and can return in… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Rolling to the Halfway Mark (March 16)