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Share your Favorite Memories of E4- Sunday May 4, 5-10pm ET

Did you fall in love with E4 and rest of the eagle family this season? Going to have withdraws when E4 leaves the area? Share you favorite memories, milestones, photos & videos during a special chat session Sunday, May 4, 2014 5pm – 10pm ET. All are welcome to stop by and say hello and join in on the conversation.  We will not be closing up shop until after E4 leaves the area but will be disabling SS after May 4. 

E4’s Visitor Returns- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 30

As another day dawns, Ozzie, Harriet and E4 are busy with their daily activities. They were all perched in one of the pond trees in the morning and then E4 watched Mom and Dad fly off toward the river. E4 headed to the church tree. Later in the morning Harriet returned to the pasture from the area where she perches on the power pole. E4 had a beautiful flight soaring high above the pasture territory before perching in the pond tree. E4 visited the pond and flew back to the… Read More »E4’s Visitor Returns- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 30

E4’s Tuesday Visitors- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 29

 E4 was sleeping peacefully in the nest in the very early morning hours and then was awake before the sun rise. E4’s day consisted of soaring over the far corners of the territory and perching in the trees that are E4’s favorite places to seek shade from the afternoon heat.  At one point in the afternoon E4 was visited by 2 juvenile eagles. E4 and one of the juveniles were in the nest together and E4 mantled to show protection of the nest but there was more curiosity by E4… Read More »E4’s Tuesday Visitors- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 29

Rise and Shine- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 28

Ozzie, Harriet and E4 were in their respective perches early this morning. Ozzie was off toward the river and Harriet flew to the nest with E4 following behind. Both were waiting for breakfast. In the meantime, E4 and Mom had a conversation while she did some nest keeping. Both then flew off to the West pasture tree line. E4 returned to the pasture, playing in the trees and trying to keep away from the fearless blue jays attacks and the chasing crows. Harriet was off to her perch on the… Read More »Rise and Shine- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 28

E4 & Neighbors- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 26-27

The mornings began slightly foggy but turned sunny and hot quickly. The weekend visitors to the E4’s neighborhood included 2 legged, 4 legged, furry and winged creatures of all sizes. Many were happy to see E4 and others, including the blue jays and crows, were not. E4 was confident in flights around the pasture stopping to perch and play on all the favorite trees until the small birds went into attack mode. Although Ozzie and Harriet were not in plain view, they were most likely perched in the shady comfort… Read More »E4 & Neighbors- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 26-27

E4’s Air and Water Maneuvers- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 25

Flights and soaring above the Family’s territory are the part of E4’s daily activities. All the birds in the pasture are also busy protecting their young as they dive at and chase E4 from tree to tree. E4 was seen performing evasive and acrobatic maneuvers while being chased by the crows today. Ozzie and Harriet were off to their favorite perches in the territory in the afternoon. As the day was heating up, E4 joined Ozzie and the horses at the pond. It looked like “Last one in is …”… Read More »E4’s Air and Water Maneuvers- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 25

E4 Follows the Food- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 24

The foggy morning unfolded into a bright and sunny day allowing E4 to practice more flying and soaring skills. E4 seems to be staying close to Ozzie these days. Maybe E4 has figured out the food doesn’t grow at the end of Dad’s talons and that Ozzie is gone most of the time hunting and searching for the day’s meals. Ozzie is preparing E4 for the time when E4 is hunting alone. E4 has followed Ozzie in the journey out of the pasture to his hunting grounds. Mom and Dad… Read More »E4 Follows the Food- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 24

E4’s Bigger Adventures- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 23

It was a foggy start to the day. E4 and Ozzie were perched in one of the pond snag trees. As the sun burned off the fog, Ozzie departed the pond tree toward the North with E4 following behind. Harriet was spotted off in the distance. E4 and Dad were gone for about 2 hours. Ozzie flew to the pasture from the North and was soon followed by E4 who perched in the pond tree again. E4 was very adventurous today, taking off to the skies and soaring to higher… Read More »E4’s Bigger Adventures- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 23

Blue Skies and Blue Jays- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 22

 E4 was exploring the pasture trees in the beautiful early morning hours. Ozzie and Harriet were off on the daily hunt. E4 enjoyed the late morning soaring high in the blue skies, first alone and then with a vulture. Harriet delivered a small fish for lunch and E4 and Dad made a dash to the nest. E4 won the race and the fish. Ozzie took a consolation trip to the pond and Mom flew off to the west.  The Blue Jays are the latest birds, small in size but mighty… Read More »Blue Skies and Blue Jays- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 22

Sunset at the Nest- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 21

The cameras have been down for a few days and all wait anxiously for news or sightings of The Eagle Family’s daily happenings. With strength and perseverance life goes on for Ozzie, Harriet and E4 whether the world is watching or not. One local person spotted Harriet on the power pole that is about a half mile from the nest as the Eagle flies. Another visitor to the nest watched Ozzie fly in with a morsel of food in the evening. E4 followed Ozzie to the nest and had an… Read More »Sunset at the Nest- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 21