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Breakfast in Bed (Eagle Edition)- Nest Activity for Nov. 29

Harriet’s overnight incubating duty lasted a little longer today. Ozzie delivered a nice headless fish breakfast to Harriet at 7:00 am….. SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Friday, November 29, 2013 She loudly called out as he approached with the food offering. Ozzie took over incubating their precious eggs as Harriet eagerly ate her fish. She saved the tail, her favorite part, for a later snack. Ozzie brought soft nest material and then a stick to the nest which he proceeded to put in place almost bowling over Harriet as she lay incubating… Read More »Breakfast in Bed (Eagle Edition)- Nest Activity for Nov. 29

Through Winds & Rains…Daily Summary for Nov 26

SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Tuesday, November 26, 2013NEITHER WIND, NOR RAIN, NOR… The overnight hours brought wind and rain to the area. The precious eggs were warm and safe in their nest under the care of Mom, Harriet. The first exchange of incubation duties took place at 6:43 am. Dad, Ozzie took over the care of the precious eggs carefully rolling the eggs and aerating the nest to keep the nest bowl soft and dry. Harriet returned later in the morning with more soft nest material. Instinctively they know cooler, wetter… Read More »Through Winds & Rains…Daily Summary for Nov 26

Dinner is Served…Nest Summary for Sunday, Nov 24

Hungry Harriet and 2 Fish Tails Harriet began her early morning vocalizing for Ozzie to relieve her night shift of incubating their beautiful eggs. It was reported that Harriet was on the nest for 12 hours and 45 minutes. Ozzie immediately appeared on the nest to take over his morning duties. Ozzie was on the nest for several hours when Harriet flew in for her turn. Ozzie came back to the nest area with a fish. He took it to a tree by the pond and proceeded to eat his… Read More »Dinner is Served…Nest Summary for Sunday, Nov 24

Southwest Florida Eagle Cam VIDEO HIGLIGHTS

Southwest Florida Eagle Cam VIDEO HIGLIGHTS Our amazing team of videographers spends hours of time everyday going through the nest footage, editing down highlights and activity for you to watch over and over again. Check out all the latest videos here: Peanut1956  rickblack7792 urdognu  Thank you for all you do! 

Nest Acivity – Tues, Nov 12- Love is In the Air

A series of sweet symphonies of vocals between Ozzie & Harriet: Screen Capture from video by dragonlainey Before the light of day the singing began. Harriet and then Ozzie arrived on the nest.They proceeded to vocalize and engage in their affectionate sparring some refer to as “beaking”. Harriet seemed to be doing more work on the nest bowl by adding her special touches. Ozzie appeared to resist her efforts with no luck. Harriet was observed bringing sticks, moss and a sprig of fresh pine to the nest. She also tried… Read More »Nest Acivity – Tues, Nov 12- Love is In the Air

Summary: Nest Activity – Monday, November 11, 2013

Didn’t get to watch the cams yesterday? Here is what you missed: Morning: Vocal greetings began early at 4:00am nest time. Ozzie arrived at the nest before dawn and began his nest bowl fluffing. Harriet arrived shortly after and proceeded to help. Ozzie really likes to do this task himself so an early morning discussion with vocals and “beaking” took place for a while. Harriet seemed to win this argument as Ozzie left her to try out the nest bowl with a shimmy of her own. Ozzie’s day was filled with… Read More »Summary: Nest Activity – Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Happy Happy Bald Eagle Day!! #eaglecam #awesomeday #donate

Southwest Florida “Eagle Cam”, providing 24/7 live video stream of an active pair of bald eagles in their nest. These bald eagles have been coming to the nest for the past 5 years between the months of October- April. This year, they are raising 2 eaglets (Hope and Honor) born Jan 1 and Jan 3. Watch LIVE NOW