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Devotion & Dedication- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 continue to strengthen their bond to each other and to their offspring. Their story began under less than ideal circumstances. M15 arrived in the territory as a young adult and diligently strived to win Harriet over which was not an easy task. He stayed by her side dedicating himself to her and Harriet gradually accepted him as her mate. It is believed that a solid bond is not forged until an Eagle pair raises young together. Harriet and M15’s bond successfully produced 2 offspring last season. Harriet… Read More »Devotion & Dedication- Weekly Nest Notes

A Week of Firsts- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 have been diligently caring for their growing eaglet E9 throughout the week. Mom and Dad have had their schedules full hunting for prey and delivering fish to the nest to feed hungry E9 who is just over 2 weeks old and has grown to around one foot tall and weighs about 3 lbs. E9 has reached a few milestones this week including successfully climbing out of the nest bole for the first time using growing wings and feet. The beautiful weather allowed E9 to feel the warm… Read More »A Week of Firsts- Weekly Nest Notes

Growing Strong Quickly- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 is just over a week old growing stronger under the care and watchful eyes of Mom and Dad. Harriet shared in the hunting earlier in the week delivering fresh and still flopping fish to help stock the pantry. M15 continued to bring sticks and grasses to the nest. M15 also brought fish and his creative prey choices of which some were unrecognizable. Mom and Dad are meeting E9’s nutritional needs well with continuous solo and tandem feedings. E9’s development is progressing quickly as eaglets gain about a pound every… Read More »Growing Strong Quickly- Weekly Nest Notes

New Year, New Eaglet – Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 began the New Year welcoming eaglet E9 who broke into the world on December 31, 2016 at 7:33 a.m. The chick began the hatching process two days earlier making a small crack or pip in the shell. E9’s struggle to be free is one of the first lessons of the hard work it takes to become a majestic Eagle. The first glimpses of this sweet little package of fluffiness and the gentle way Mom and Dad have in caring for E9 are amazing sights to behold. E9… Read More »New Year, New Eaglet – Weekly Nest Notes

Patience and Dedication- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 patiently perform their task at hand as the world around them bustles with activity. Mom and Dad share many hours incubating their precious eggs without hurry or worry. Slow and steady seems to be the way on their journey. They greet each day with purpose and their inherent abilities and skills serve them well in all their responsibilities. They remain aware and watchful to what goes on around them as they protect and defend their territory at this critical time. Their strength lies in their bond to… Read More »Patience and Dedication- Weekly Nest Notes

Taking Turns- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 have each taken their turn incubating their eggs, carefully turning and rolling them at regular intervals. They aerate the nest material by pulling it up from the bottom and turning it over. They patiently brood their eggs for hours on end and eagerly step up to take their next turn at egg tending. The cycle goes on without a hitch with well timed exchanges. Many times they pass each other with a brief vocal acknowledgement saying possibly, “Your Turn”. Mom and Dad have each taken their turn… Read More »Taking Turns- Weekly Nest Notes

Timing is Everything- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 have been incubating their eggs around the clock with well timed changes in their duties. The switches were quicker since the air was a bit cooler. The turning of the eggs and aerating of the nest bowl is an ongoing process throughout day and night. Mom seems to spend more time brooding, taking the night time duties. At dawn she softly calls out to M15 who is usually in his spot right above the nest. They change positions and Mom vocalizes her “Good Morning” to the pasture.… Read More »Timing is Everything- Weekly Nest Notes

It’s a Team Effort- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet’s soft vocals in the predawn hours let M15 know that she would soon be departing from her incubation shift. Mom takes the overnight duties while Dad stands guard in the outer attic branch. They are a well coordinated team caring for their precious cargo. Harriet carefully rises up, looks at their Eggs and hops to the porch announcing her “Good Morning” vocal to the pasture. M15 quickly arrives in the nest to resume brooding. Harriet flies off to a nearby snag or the far off poles stretches, preens and… Read More »It’s a Team Effort- Weekly Nest Notes

Nature’s Way – Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 engaged all their instinctual abilities as they prepared for eggs and eaglets. With all of the parts in place Harriet laid Egg 1 at 5:03 p.m. on November 22, 2016. M15 greeted his precious egg with great interest looking under Harriet and pulling the Egg toward him. Mom took the overnight incubating duties. Dad eagerly took his turn at incubation early the next morning. Harriet was off to stretch and enjoy a leisure day after labor and delivery. M15 brought fish to his Lady and she accepted… Read More »Nature’s Way – Weekly Nest Notes

The Waiting Game- Weekly Nest Notes

The countdown to eggs has begun. The nest has been constructed, Harriet and M15 have been mating regularly, M15 delivers meals for Harriet and all systems seem to be a go. Anticipation grows waiting for the arrival of precious egg. The parents to be seem to spend more time together closer to the nest as the time nears. M15 makes the dash for sticks and soft nest material to put the finishing touches to the sturdy and sound nest he and Harriet have built together. All eyes are fixed waiting… Read More »The Waiting Game- Weekly Nest Notes