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Home Sweet Home- Weekly Nest Notes

Mom, Dad, E7 and E8 seemed to be settling into family life with well timed nest duty exchanges and food deliveries. Many familiar and some not so recognizable prey items were brought to the nest by both Harriet and M15. E7 and E8 eagerly scurried for their share of the meal. Competition was lively with E7 getting the major portions of the meal as it happens with siblings. E8 was learning valuable lessons in how to get in there and get a share of the feedings. E7 and E8’s fight… Read More »Home Sweet Home- Weekly Nest Notes

A Family of Four- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 welcomed their precious babies this past week. The bond they created over the last months and constant caring for their eggs presented them the gift of two rambunctious hatchlings. As E7 and E8 emerged from their shells, M15 appeared to be immediately smitten with the sight of his offspring. He arrived on the nest to curiously peer under Harriet to get a glimpse of the tiny beings. Soft and tender vocals between M15 and Harriet seemed to communicate the specialness of the events. Harriet with all of… Read More »A Family of Four- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 Bring New Life- Nest Notes Special Edition

Harriet and M15 have realized the fruits of their labor as their offspring E7 and E8 presented themselves to the world. E7 hatched January 26, 2016 at 7:23 am. The first sighting of E8 was January 27, 2016 at 10:39 pm. Mom, Dad and babies are well if not rain soaked after the many hours of stormy weather. The twists and turns over these last months have offered views of their dedication and perseverance to accomplish their goal of bringing new life into the world. Thoughts are this may be… Read More »Harriet and M15 Bring New Life- Nest Notes Special Edition

Weathering the Storms- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 greet each other in the early mornings as they exchange places in the nest. Each assumes their duty with serious dedication. There are brief times when they meet on the old cam snag where Harriet reminds M15 of her dominant role in their partnership. They share moments of mating to strengthen their bond to each other. They excel in their teamwork to protect the nest from any intruders entering their territory. Several heavy storms with srong winds swept through the area with no break in the action… Read More »Weathering the Storms- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15’s Solid Bond- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 are becoming more and more in sync as they continue their well timed turns at incubating. In a few short weeks their team work will hopefully reward them with two beautiful eaglets hatching into the world. Harriet and M15 have labored tirelessly to ensure this will happen. Harriet takes the overnight shift but has been seen coaxing M15 to get up and off the eggs. She uses the gentlest nudges and soft vocals in her communication to him. M15 is a great defender of his precious cargo.… Read More »Harriet and M15’s Solid Bond- Weekly Nest Notes

Weekly Nest Notes- Harriet & M15′s New Year Dedication

Dedication and commitment are the resolve of Harriet and M15 as 2016 arrives without ceremony in the territory. Fireworks could be viewed off in the distance but Harriet and company were tucked in the safety of their nest as M15 stood guard nearby. The past year has been filled with many dramatic moments and culminated with the renewal of life as Harriet and M15 produced the beginnings of their bond. Harriet laid their first egg on December 19, 2015 at 4:25 pm and the second egg was laid on December… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Harriet & M15′s New Year Dedication

Special Delivery- Nest Notes Extra Edition

Harriet’s maternal instincts have come to glorious fruition as she layed her first egg of the nesting season. The much anticipated event took place at 4:25 pm on December 19, 2015. Harriet spent overnight in the nest as blustery and cooler weather arrived in the area. In the early morning Harriet moved to perch on the old cam tree. M15 arrived and was lying in the nest. They then flew off toward the South East together. Later Harriet and M15 returned to the nest with a sub adult Eagle following… Read More »Special Delivery- Nest Notes Extra Edition

Timing is Everything- Weekly Nest Notes

Early morning vocal greetings can be heard in the pasture. Harriet and M15 roost in the nest tree and occasionally on the old cam tree overnight. As the pasture awakens with activity, M15 is off to find nest material while Harriet stays close to home. Lately M15 has been very efficient at bringing a food and prey to the nest for Harriet. She graciously accepts the meals and eagerly eats as M15 stands guard and waits for a morsel or left over. One day M15 proudly delivered a fish but… Read More »Timing is Everything- Weekly Nest Notes

Keeping with Nature’s Plan- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet continues on with her innate desire to build the bond with M15 and produce a new generation of Eagles. The bond has been developing over time and there have been many critical steps in the pairing of these two. M15 has been very energetic in his efforts to please Harriet. He has become more consistent in delivering meals to the nest for Harriet. He has been bringing softer nest material to welcome any possible eggs. M15 keeps his protective sights on the territory turning away any potential intruders. His… Read More »Keeping with Nature’s Plan- Weekly Nest Notes

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