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Breezing Through the Day- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 7

The Eagle Family was on the move early. They followed each other one by one to a tree in the far west pasture and perched there for a while. E4 flew back to the nest pasture after seeing Mom and Dad off to begin their day. The breezes became stronger and E4 spent a good part of the day flying from tree to tree in the pasture and over to one of the favorite trees behind the church. Launching and landing are getting better and better with each flight. E4… Read More »Breezing Through the Day- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 7

Flights to New Destinations- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 6

E4 was very active in the morning flying to and from several trees in the pasture. E4 explored the trees, biting at the bark and vines and breaking and carrying sticks from one point to another. E4 was working on perfecting landing skills after executing great take offs and beautiful flights around the pasture. Harriet intervened when Ozzie didn’t share his catch with E4. In Ozzie’s rush to get away, he dropped to the ground with Mom in pursuit. E4 looked on in amazement. Mom returned shortly with a fresh… Read More »Flights to New Destinations- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 6

Soaring With Confidence- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 5

E4 got a later start today and possibly needed more rest and recovery after the big day of first flight. It seems the little birds that were friends of E4, the eaglet, are not as fond of E4, the fledgling. The little birds dove at and annoyed E4 perched in the nest tree. E4 looked confident in another flight to the tree that may become a favorite. E4 was well shaded and relaxed among the pine branches. Ozzie landed in the nest with a prey item. E4 departed from the… Read More »Soaring With Confidence- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 5

Magnificent First Flight!- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 4

Courage and confidence allowed E4 to launch from a perch high in the nest tree and to perform a magnificent first flight around the pasture this morning. E4 turned 100 days old today and has been perfecting short flights to higher branches and back to the nest in the last few weeks. E4’s initial attempt to land in one of the dead pasture trees was unsuccessful and E4 tumbled to the ground. After surveying the new surroundings from the ground, E4 was successful in gaining lift to fly to a… Read More »Magnificent First Flight!- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 4

14 Weeks! – Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 2

Ozzie and Harriet were perched together in the cam 2 tree as they are many mornings. E4 was busy showing Mom and Dad his early morning moves. Would today be the day E4 takes flight from the nest? Ozzie and Harriet flew off to begin the day’s work of providing for E4’s needs. Harriet was back soon with a stick for the nest. E4 would have rather had breakfast but found a good place for the stick. Ozzie flew in with a small fish and was met with E4’s energetic… Read More »14 Weeks! – Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 2

Harriet & Ozzie’s Dedication- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 1

E4 was flapping away as the morning fog rolled in. Ozzie was on extra duty today, tirelessly hunting for the day’s meals and perching in the pasture tree for a long while. Harriet was on Mom duty, encouraging E4 to steal meals, offering a share of the food, and hopping from branch to branch maybe showing E4 how it’s done. E4 tracked Mom and Dad’s flight as they soared above the nest tree. E4 had a lot of bursts of wing hopping and mini flights sweeping across the nest. E4’s… Read More »Harriet & Ozzie’s Dedication- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 1

More Firsts for E4- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 31

As the day began E4 was extremely active. There was a lot of wing flapping, jumping, and fly hopping to and from all of E4’s favorite branches. E4 stepped up to a higher branch right off the porch branch. E4’s courageous exploration of the outer branches of the nest tree continued. E4 tried to go to the higher attic branch over the nest but didn’t reach it. E4’s second attempt was successful, landing on the attic branch. E4 spent time climbing out farther on the branch and seemed to be… Read More »More Firsts for E4- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 31

Sunday’s Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 30

After a day of rain the skies were clear and the weather was cooler. E4 was very energetic in the early morning. E4 is mastering the “mini” flights from spike branch to the veranda branch and the porch branch. E4 practiced high and controlled hovers over the porch branch. E4 seemed determined to balance on a small offshoot branch from the porch. E4 also worked on stick arranging skills in the nest.  Ozzie delivered a fish, and as E4 was rushing to the nest from the porch branch Ozzie flew… Read More »Sunday’s Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 30

Braving the Storm- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 29

The day was once again cloudy and windy but it didn’t stop E4’s performance of wing flapping and branch hopping. E4’s sprite like behaviors are comical at times. E4 was fly hopping around the nest carrying sticks and things. Mom and Dad were perched together in the upper tree branches watching E4’s progress. Ozzie delivered a squirrel for lunch and quickly flew away. Harriet was perched on the attic branch above the nest. E4 studied the prey and then chattered to Mom to come help. E4 did begin de-furring and… Read More »Braving the Storm- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 29

Hope, Skip and Maybe a Jump?- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 28

The windy day allowed E4 to gain some of the highest hovering to date. As E4’s wings and confidence grow stronger, hopping to and from the porch while carrying sticks was an easy task today. E4 was seen skipping sideways while hovering above the nest and porch branch. The afternoon was rest time for E4 after all the fly hopping, hovering and playing. Meals were mostly left overs today. Ozzie and Harriet arrived with more sticks and E4 was helping in the placement. E4 continues to observe and learn. Soon… Read More »Hope, Skip and Maybe a Jump?- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 28