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Little E’s Big Adventure- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 1

The New Year, 2014, came in with very loud bang. Harriet looked very disturbed and Ozzie was on the nest at her side in an instant. It appeared that the fireworks of the celebrations in the area were bothering them. Ozzie and Harriet became more on guard, vocalized often and focused in the nest tree for several hours after the noise subsided. Additional thoughts were that an owl was perched in the nest tree. Upon later review it was found that another eagle was perched on a branch higher in… Read More »Little E’s Big Adventure- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 1

Countdown to a New Year- Nest Notes for Dec 31

SWFEC Daily Summary Tuesday, December 31, 2013 Countdown to a New Year As the last day of 2013 dawns, Mom and babies are snuggled safely in their nest. Harriet takes an early morning stretch and quick flight then back to the nest. Dad arrived to take over little E duties. Ozzie is a great Dad and tenderly cares for his young E’s. The nearly adult eagle who has been in the area over the past few days paid another visit to the nest today. Dad, the protector, went into full… Read More »Countdown to a New Year- Nest Notes for Dec 31

Fish for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner- Nest Notes for Dec 30

Morning arrived early for Mom and her two awake, hungry and growing baby eaglets, E3 and E4. Both watched Mom as she flew to the Camera 2 tree and seemed to be saying “Hey Mom what about breakfast?” E3 and E4 are growing steadily and quickly. Dad took over nest duties. Harriet arrived shortly with a very large fish. Feeding commenced and the two little E’s wrestled their way to the food offerings by Mom. On Harriet’s return flight to the nest with the large fish she was vocalizing all… Read More »Fish for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner- Nest Notes for Dec 30

It’s All About the E’s- Nest Activity, Photos & Videos for Dec 29

Sunday was definitely a day of rest for Harriet and Ozzie and the two little E’s. The early morning started out windy and soggy from the rains that moved in overnight. Harriet served well as “Mombrella” to keep the little E’s cozy and dry. After yesterday’s dramatic events the atmosphere was a little lighter but Mom and Dad took some sweeping flight around the area to be safe. The sweet E’s had all their needs met today with plenty of food, play and sleep. Aggressive little E3 has its way… Read More »It’s All About the E’s- Nest Activity, Photos & Videos for Dec 29

Intruders! Nest Activity, Videos & Photos for Dec 28

Mom had her sweet babies E3 and E4 snuggled in safely for the overnight hours. In the early morning Dad arrived to take over brooding and feeding their growing babies. Mom arrived a while later with a fresh fish to help sustain the hungry babies who wrestle one another for their turn at feeding. Although the eaglet’s struggle looks hurtful it is a necessary stage in their early development.  The day evolved into some dramatic and tense moments as a juvenile eagle and later a nearly adult eagle encroached on… Read More »Intruders! Nest Activity, Videos & Photos for Dec 28

Welcome to the World: The Newest “Eagle Cam” Stars

Welcome to the World: The Newest “Eagle Cam” StarsOver the next four months, the world will be able to watch as two baby eagles mature and fly the nest FORT MYERS,  Fla. (December 26, 2013) – The wait is finally over! The world has two more tiny internet stars to watch. Nearly half a million people tuned in to watch Southwest Florida’s beloved eagles, Harriet & Ozzie, welcome two hatchlings into the world this week.   After 36 days of incubation and 24/7 protection from their eagle parents, egg #1 hatched just before… Read More »Welcome to the World: The Newest “Eagle Cam” Stars

A Family of 4- Nest Activity, Photos & Video for Dec 27

 SWFEC Daily Summary Friday, December 27, 2013 Family Ties Dad, Ozzie and Mom, Harriet with new eaglets, E3 and E4 are settling into daily family life on the nest. Mom and Dad took turns brooding and feeding their sweet babies. The first few days were somewhat stressful but now all seems calm and bright.  These last few days, Mom and Dad were observed sharing a few intimate moments thought to strengthen their bond and commitment to each other and their new babies. Mom was on hunting duty and brought a… Read More »A Family of 4- Nest Activity, Photos & Video for Dec 27

Two Little Eaglets Sitting In a Tree…Nest Activity, Videos & Photos for Dec 26

The very first days in the life of the sweet eaglets E3 and E4 have been filled with a lot of activity. Mom and Dad have been very diligent in the care of their precious babies. Mom fed fish to the babies in the early morning. Dad had his very first opportunity to feed them in the afternoon. Mom and Dad both were tender and gentle in their approach with several more feedings throughout the day. The little ones hatch into the world with survival skills and instincts. The little… Read More »Two Little Eaglets Sitting In a Tree…Nest Activity, Videos & Photos for Dec 26

Joy to the World- Nest Activity, Videos, Photos for Dec 25

As the beautiful Christmas morning sunrise was arriving, Ozzie flew off toward the river for a try at fishing. Harriet and precious baby E3 were eagerly waiting for his return. Ozzie wasn’t successful in his fishing expedition, but not to worry, Harriet came to the rescue and brought a fish to the nest. Eagle parents are observed working together as a team for their survival and that of their young.  As Ozzie and Harriet busied themselves in the hunt for their Christmas meal, the miracle of baby eagle E4 making… Read More »Joy to the World- Nest Activity, Videos, Photos for Dec 25

Sweet Moments- Nest Activity, Videos and Photos from Dec 24

Harriet and Ozzie’s baby eaglet came into the world very strong. E3 as it is called was observed throughout the night wobbling under Mom Harriet’s tender care. First light allowed a beautiful view of the sweet little creature. Harriet seemed to be adjusting to the new arrival and at the same time still incubating their second precious egg. Ozzie got his first glimpse of sweet E3 as he arrived to relieve Harriet for nest duty. Dad and baby eaglet shared a few intimate moments. Harriet brought a fish to the… Read More »Sweet Moments- Nest Activity, Videos and Photos from Dec 24