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swfec Nest Notes: Making a safe haven

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M15 and F23 have worked diligently these last few months to fortify the nest and make a safe haven. The nest is also attractive to the Owls trying to claim the nest as theirs. There was an altercation between the Eagles and the Owls when M15 and F23 roosted in the nest tree for the first night. It was a rainy evening, and Owls usually don’t fly in the rain. As the night went on, M15 and F23 were united in their defense of the nest. The sight of the… Read More »swfec Nest Notes: Making a safe haven

swfec Nest Notes: the path to a hope-filled future

M15 and F23 are busy in the early mornings with adding the finishing touches to the nest rails and the soft interior spaces. F23 works on the giant sticks M15 delivers and lets him do the nest bole checking. They hop up to the attic, engage in mating, and preen, all before flying out for breakfast. They are developing a steady routine and are working in harmony. The nest and nest bole are looking ready to envelop possible precious cargo arriving soon. M15 and F23 may be unaware that their… Read More »swfec Nest Notes: the path to a hope-filled future

SWFEC Nest Notes: building a home and securing the territory

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M15 and F23 are ramping up the nestorations. They added many sticks and soft nesting, making the nest larger by the day. When M15 delivered a huge bromeliad/air plant, F23 seemed baffled by the addition as she tore it apart. F23 lay in and got a feel for the nest bole for the first time. M15 makes many checks of the bole throughout the day. F23 is taking more interest in processes that go into building a home for their future. M15 and F23 are more united in securing the… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: building a home and securing the territory


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M15 and F23 seemed to take a more leisurely approach to nestorations over the week. They arrived early some days and a little later on other days. M15 and F23 sweep through the pasture to look for the specific item. They are both agile and acrobatic at grabbing sticks on the fly. They delivered materials, worked on placement, and disagreed over it. The days spent nest building include all these elements. M15 presented F23 with two food gifts in the nest. She quickly claimed her prizes and flew to a… Read More »SWFEC NEST NOTES: M15 AND F23 BECOMING A TEAM

SWFEC Nest Notes: Preparing a Nest and Building a Bond

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M15 and F23 arrive on most mornings to work on the nest. They have also taken time off to do the things that Eagles do. F23 has been bringing in more materials and has become more assertive in her placement choices. Female Eagles are usually more dominant, and F23 seems to be growing into that role. M15 offers help to move a stick, and when F23 objects, he leaves her to do it. M15 and F23 engage in many activities that shape their relationship. They focus on the nest, keep… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: Preparing a Nest and Building a Bond

SWFEC Nest Notes: A Promising Outlook

M15 began the official start of Nesting Season 12 with a flurry of activity, bringing sticks and materials to the nest. He placed the items purposefully, then laid the nest bowl to try it out. M15’s constant Female companion, F23, has now taken more of an interest in adding her touches to the nest. She brought sticks, nesting, and a few pine boughs. Her F23 moniker symbolizes Female and her arrival in 2023, much like M15, Male who appeared in Harriet’s life in 2015. M15 and F23 are in a… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: A Promising Outlook

SWFEC Nest Notes: A New Journey of Hope

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M15 arrived toward summer’s end to survey his territory and inventory his nest. M15 appeared from his vacation looking rejuvenated and ready to take on another adventure. He has become a seasoned Eagle Dad through the years, and his experience is on full display. After losing his beloved mate Harriet last Season, M15 single-handedly raised his young Eaglets E21 and E22 to move on to live their best Eagle lives. Many female Eagles vied for his attention through those trying times. His focus remained on his devotion to his family.… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: A New Journey of Hope

Happy Father’s Day M15, Eagle dad supreme

M15 deserves the highest accolades for Father of the Year. M15 entered Harriet’s life in a time of crisis. He stayed by her side even though she was not receptive to his advances. M15 was steadfast in his pursuit and eventually surpassed Harriet’s strict standards. They became a bonded pair, and M15 has given his all to uphold their Family. M15’s dedication became even more apparent with Harriet’s sudden disappearance this Season. M15 lamented for Harriet while caring for four-week-old E21 and E22. This was another time of distress in… Read More »Happy Father’s Day M15, Eagle dad supreme

Happy Mother’s Day Harriet, Legendary Eagle Mom

Harriet embodies the essence of Motherhood. She is honored and celebrated on this day and every day. Harriet reared and nurtured her offspring over the years with gentleness and firmness. She imparted courage and strength to them from their early beginnings. Harriet’s powerful young raptors embarked into Eagle life carrying lessons from their legendary Mom. Harriet supported her partners, Ozzie and then M15. They each followed her lead in her goal to grace the world with new life. They were loyal to their commitment and worked in perfect harmony to… Read More »Happy Mother’s Day Harriet, Legendary Eagle Mom

SWFEC Nest Notes: What a Beautiful Morning!

Well, look at who we see this morning! It was determined by vocals, of course, that E22 is in the area. What a welcome sight! E22 was perching on the fence and comfortably enjoying the new views. E22 took off for a flight around the pasture as a horse approached. Dad arrived on the treetop perch, E22 flew to a low branch on the nest tree. E22 then flew off to the snag in the pasture. Great flying! M15 went to the ground with food near the pond and tried… Read More »SWFEC Nest Notes: What a Beautiful Morning!