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Ginnie McSpadden

Weekly Nest Notes: Preparing for the Journey

Harriet and M15 prepare for a new season of offspring months in advance of their arrival. Tending to their territory, nest and each other ensure a successful environment for their survival.  Precious eggs are laid, protected and cared for by devoted Parents.  Fluffy grey Eaglets struggle out of their eggs to present themselves to the world. Dedicated Parents begin their task of rearing their young to become strong, confident and skilled Juvenile Eagles ready to take on the journey toward their majestic destiny. Harriet and M15 have been outstanding in… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Preparing for the Journey

Weekly Nest Notes: Success on the Hunt

E12 and E13 have an impressive list of accomplishments and continue honing their instincts and practicing lessons learned. They have become formidable forces as they display their strength and fierceness defending their territory from intruders, mock fighting for their own space and protecting their food from each other and Mom and Dad.  They flew with great precision around the pasture and pond chasing all the birds there while practicing the hunt. Each day presents new challenges in Eagle life.  Harriet and M15 seemed to lessen the food deliveries to the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Success on the Hunt

Weekly Nest Notes: The Great Defenders

E12 and E13 have been observing Mom and Dad over the months taking in all the valuable lessons and putting them into play. Mom reminded E13 to not give up on the food when she went to the nest to finish a meal that Dad delivered. E13 immediately returned to nest to engage in a tug-0-war winning the prize. Dad then delivered a fish and E13 mantled and claimed that too. E13 has perfected the art of the steal and did an excellent job of protecting and defending all the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: The Great Defenders

Weekly Nest Notes: New Day, New Adventures

E12 and E13 are gathering a wealth of accomplishments on their daily adventures. They sharpen skills and employ instincts as they are tested with all that life as an Eagle presents them.  They are up and at em’ at daybreak, airborne and looking for their first discoveries of the moment. Their senses are heightened as they study their surroundings and watch the skies. E12 perches in the oak tree near the pond seeming to stalk the birds feeding on the bank. E12 is quick and agile in the swoop around… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: New Day, New Adventures

Weekly Nest Notes: Fearless Fliers

The sun barely rises as E12 and E13 are bounding with energy to start their day of fresh discoveries.  It has been only few weeks since fledging, taking their first flights away from the nest tree, and they have become accomplished, skillful, and fearless fliers in the skies. Their senses of wonder and exploration have taken them to new adventures. They maneuver through the pasture crisscrossing in mid-air, soaring the skies and rocketing from one place to another with precision and confidence. They give chase to Mom and Dad, or… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Fearless Fliers

Weekly Nest Notes: First Flights of Freedom

E12 and E13 have taken their first flights away from the nest tree and discovery and adventure have been on their agenda every day since. E12 executed an impressive fledge flying courageously with a perfect landing on the pasture snag.  After soaking in all the new views and feeling the freedom, E12 flew back to the nest tree trunk with another perfect landing. E13’s behavior of pushing and flapping at E12’s return to the nest was not very welcoming.  Moments later they were both perched closely together on the attic… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: First Flights of Freedom

Weekly Nest Notes: Reaching for New Heights

E12 and E13 are acing all the tests put before them. They are employing their inborn abilities and are engaging in new behaviors.  Nature provides the breezes as they work out wondrous wings, gaining power and loft as they fly hop from edge to edge in the nest. E12 explores the veranda branches and E13 windsurfs on the spike branch. They perch together at times and land one on top of the other at times. The nest area seems to be shrinking when E12 and E13 flap away causing skirmishes… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Reaching for New Heights

Weekly Nest Notes: Small Step, Giant Feat

E12 and E13 exercised their magnificent wings building strength, stamina and control in preparation for their future flights. They caught big air lifting them higher and higher while flapping away in the breezes. They each took a small step off the nest for an Eaglet and a giant leap toward their milestone to freedom. E12 hopped up with ease to the veranda branch and E13 launched there 2 days later. Now the fun begins as they set their sights on higher perches in the nest tree. They seem advanced for… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Small Step, Giant Feat

Weekly Nest Notes: Wings in the Breeze

E12 and E13 earn top marks as they surpass many milestones. They are stunning, dark feathered Beauties and are nearly the size of Mom and Dad. They are feeling the breezes flapping and hopping away with gloriously expanding wings, growing stronger and more confident. They are acutely aware of all the activities in and around the nest, tracking the skies and beyond. By week’s end, E12 performed an impressive mantle, rushing at Dad’s food delivery with wings open wide, claiming the fish and keeping it for their own.  E13 observed… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Wings in the Breeze

Weekly Nest Notes: The Path to Eagle Life

E12 and E13 are looking more like Juvenile Eaglets than the tiny hatchlings they were a short time ago.  Their beautiful dark feathers seem to have burst through overnight with only a few tufts of their natal down remaining. They displayed their magnificent wings feeling the breezes while flapping away with wings almost reaching the expanse of the nest. E13 was swept up in a little air while “wingersizing” and hopped a few times in the nest. They are catching up to their huge feet and are working on coordinating… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: The Path to Eagle Life