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Ginnie McSpadden

Breezy, Easy Sunday Morning- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 23

Ozzie and Harriet were observing E4’s morning wing workout as the day was dawning. Ozzie and Harriet flew off in opposite directions to begin their day. Harriet was spotted perched off in the distance on a high utility pole as she has been many times before. E4 took advantage of the breeze day using the gusts of wind to hover almost up to the attic. The length and height of E4’s hovering is increasing as E4 gains more confidence. Ozzie arrived on the nest with his prey and E4 was… Read More »Breezy, Easy Sunday Morning- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 23

A Day of Firsts- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 22

SWFEC Daily Summary Saturday, March 22, 2014 A Day of “Firsts” E4’s breakfast was the large fish left over from last night’s late delivery. Ozzie and Harriet were again perched in the cam 2 tree watching the nest and E4 who looks so grown up. E4 had great accomplishments today. A lot of wing warming was up followed by fly hopping to the veranda where E4 perched for a long time. After enjoying the view from higher up, E4 practiced “mini flights” to the spike branch and back to the… Read More »A Day of Firsts- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 22

A Day of Activity- Nest Notes, Photos & Video from March 21

E4 was already in action at daylight. Mom and Dad were perched together in the cam 2 tree watching E4 flapping and fly hopping around the nest. Ozzie flew off to the east followed by Harriet. E4 had quite a workout and even landed on the veranda branch. This was the first time E4 landed on the branch and stayed while “wingersizing.” E4 had a good rest in the afternoon from the morning activity. There were several food deliveries some were unknown and a few were good size fish. Mom… Read More »A Day of Activity- Nest Notes, Photos & Video from March 21

E4 Fledge Day? – Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 19

E4 was sleeping like a big eagle standing in the nest with head tucked under a wing. Ozzie and Harriet departed the nest tree early to begin their hunt for the day’s meals. The morning was cooler and overcast. E4 was well rested for morning exercises of wing flapping and fly hopping around the nest. E4 even landed with one foot on the veranda branch for a moment.  There were a several small food deliveries which E4 quickly grabbed and gulped down. Ozzie landed with a catch that needed de-furred… Read More »E4 Fledge Day? – Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 19

E4’s Lessons Continue- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 18

After the rains overnight, E4 spent the soggy morning “wingersizing” and drying out. Ozzie flew in with a quick drop off that E4 aggressively grabbed and took off to the opposite side of the nest with. Harriet and then Ozzie brought more food to the nest for E4. Harriet was perched on the porch branch during Ozzie’s delivery. She stepped to the nest trying to steal E4’s meal which E4 was not willing to give up. Taking back the food was a good learning opportunity for E4 who usually gives… Read More »E4’s Lessons Continue- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 18

Feeling the Wind- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 17

 E4 was perched at the nest edge in the early morning facing the start of another windy day. E4 seemed to be very secure in the strong breezes and used the wind to hover higher over the attic branch. E4 did a lot of fly hopping around the nest moving branches, pine cones and his favorite toy, the armadillo tail, during the short flights.  Ozzie flew in with a fresh fish which E4 grabbed and mantled. Harriet landed on the nest to check on E4. Later Harriet was spotted by… Read More »Feeling the Wind- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 17

Branching Day- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 16

E4 spent most of the overnight perched on the east side of the nest, almost out of sight. Maybe E4 was dreaming of what the new day would have in store. At 7:25 am E4 courageously took the first official step up to the branch some call the veranda or the 12 o’clock branch. E4 perched on the branch for several minutes then successfully dropped back to the nest. E4 seemed happy with the new adventure and flapped away going higher and higher. Dad rewarded E4 with several fish, one… Read More »Branching Day- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 16

Brand Management- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 15

The morning was warm and clear when E4 began wing flapping and searching through the nest for any leftovers. Ozzie and Harriet were spotted in the west pasture tree line early in the morning. The nest is never far from one or the other’s sight. E4 practiced grasping and balancing on the large branch Harriet dropped off in the nest yesterday. Ozzie landed with a small food offering, E4 mantled and Ozzie quickly flew off the nest. E4 tried to move the large stick out of the way and then… Read More »Brand Management- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 15

Higher Heights- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 13

The morning air was cooler and the breezes were again helping E4 to get greater heights while exercising those beautiful wings. All wait with anticipation for E4 to land on a branch. Mom and Dad started the food deliveries early, Mom with a fish Dad with a mystery meal. E4 was trying to tidy up the nest using talons to grasp sticks and beak to carry other nest material. Harriet brought a fresh pine branch to freshen up the nest. Dad stopped by to clean up the leftover catches of… Read More »Higher Heights- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 13

Fish & More- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 12

E4’s day began with the usual morning stretch and wing warm up. The day started off with light breezes that allowed E4 to lift higher. Ozzie and Harriet were found in the pasture in the late morning working on prey that Harriet brought in. It was an armadillo that may have met its demise on the road. It was too heavy to lift into the nest so they each ate from it to lighten the load. Harriet managed to fly to one of the dead pasture trees with the prey… Read More »Fish & More- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 12