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Weekly Nest Notes:  Preparing for the New Generation

The week was filled with a lot of nest work. M15 and Harriet have been busy adding soft nest materials to the center forming a nicely cushioned nest bole for eggs. M15 has been lying in and digging in the bole to keep it fluffed up. They both have been bringing a lot of large sturdy branches for the rails which will help contain adventurous eaglets. M15 makes frequent food deliveries displaying his readiness to feed Harriet and their young. Harriet seemed a bit feisty over the week encouraging M15… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes:  Preparing for the New Generation

Weekly Nest Notes- A Team on a Mission

Cooler and breezier weather may be prompting Harriet and M15 to ramp up their “nestorizing” work getting the nest ready for eggs. Harriet has laid eggs as early as the second week of November and as late as the end of December. A lot of signs may be pointing to earlier rather than later for egg laying. Their mating and bonding frequency has increased. They have both been diligently bringing large sticks for the rails. M15 shows his skills in flying at and grabbing just the right stick. Harriet is… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- A Team on a Mission

Nature’s Magic- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet greets the day with early morning vocals from her perch in the nest tree or one of the neighboring trees. M15 answers from one of his overnight perches. The song continues as they stretch, preen and survey the pasture. Usually one or both of them arrives in the nest to take stock of what materials are needed that day. M15 is sometimes more ambitious in the morning and starts his day with a nice stick delivery. Harriet observes and sometimes voices her approval of M15’s choice of material and… Read More »Nature’s Magic- Weekly Nest Notes

Eagle Life in Bloom- Weekly Nest Notes

The season is in full swing as Harriet and M15 continue to add sticks to the railings and grasses to their nest. Harriet does her part bringing moss and fresh sprigs of pine needles. Discussions ensue over placement of the materials resulting in Harriet getting the say-so most times. M15 is more consistent with food deliveries for Harriet. Great care is taken in the meal department since there have been juvenile and subadult Eagles following M15 who might be looking to snag an easy lunch. These visitors possibly have traveled… Read More »Eagle Life in Bloom- Weekly Nest Notes

Weekly Nest Notes- Nesting Season Begins for Harriet & M15

October 1 was the first official day of Nesting Season but Harriet and M15 have been busy for many weeks preparing their nest for the next generation of Eaglets. Harriet and M15 were seen on and off over the summer as they took time to relax, refresh and restore themselves for the new season. M15 may have been away on little vacation and then made an appearance in the territory on August 8, 2017. Harriet had plenty to tell him as she vocalized for a while. He seemed to listen… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Nesting Season Begins for Harriet & M15

The Journey Ahead- Weekly Nest Notes

The day would come to say “Farewell” but it may not have been an easy task. E9 has made a lasting impression on all who watched from hatch, to fledge, to possibly the last time perching and sharing a meal with Mom and Dad. E9 became a formidable presence while practicing behaviors that will lead to hunting and defending from the attacking crows and grackles. Self preservation prevailed as E9 fearlessly stole food from Harriet despite efforts to keep her meal. All of these actions will help insure E9’s survival.… Read More »The Journey Ahead- Weekly Nest Notes

Practicing for Perfection- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 continued to make appearances throughout the territory to the delight of observers. E9 performed beautiful and purposeful soaring in the skies twisting, turning and eluding the birds giving chase. Harriet and M15 frequented the tall power poles to perch on as they watched over their domain. E9 displayed courage perching for the first time on the tallest pole which is usually reserved for Harriet. E9 has become a secure and confident Juvenile Eagle while acquiring more skills. Areas away from the nest pasture found E9 watching Harriet and M15… Read More »Practicing for Perfection- Weekly Nest Notes

Journey To Greatness- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet, M15 and E9 spend less and less time in the pasture and are rarely in the nest or nest tree lately. E9 may be out practicing and sharpening all the survival tools garnered over the months. E9 appeared in the nest on a few occasions, laid down for a minute or two and then was off again to a new experience. Harriet and M15 still keep watch over their territory and look in on their accomplished offspring. M15 has continued to deliver a meal most days for the family.… Read More »Journey To Greatness- Weekly Nest Notes

Magnificence in the Making- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 is just over 100 days old and is learning that there are no limits to what a young Eagle can achieve. Soaring to higher heights among the vultures, other juvenile eagles and birds and exploring farther reaches of the territory are great accomplishments as E9 heeds the call of adventure. E9 improved hunting abilities skimming the ponds as the ducks dove for cover. E9 maneuvers through the trees and branches searching and discovering. Nest building becomes ingrained as E9 grabbed sticks to bring and place in the nest. E9… Read More »Magnificence in the Making- Weekly Nest Notes