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A New Year! Nest Notes for Dec.28 -Jan 4

The New Year has begun. Harriet and Ozzie and hatchlings E5 and E6 have settled down into their new family roles. Ozzie, the great Provider, continues to deliver a wide variety of prey to feed hungry and growing E5 and E6. Harriet, the devoted Eagle Mom, took excellent care of her precious babies. Harriet and Ozzie both take eaglet rearing very seriously and they share feeding, brooding and protecting their babies. E5 and E6 were quick to learn how to wrestle for position to get to the food. They are… Read More »A New Year! Nest Notes for Dec.28 -Jan 4

Dec 25-29 Nest Notes: And Now a Family of Four:

Joy into the world as Harriet and Ozzie’s family increased this week. After the dedicated and tireless incubation of their eggs over the last month or so, E5 arrived on Friday, 12/26/2014 at 12:59 PM and E6 on Saturday, 12/27/2014 at 11:28 AM. Harriet and Ozzie are very skilled Eagle parents whose duties will increase as they hunt for and feed their very hungry and rapidly growing young.  Ozzie was quick in his delivery of fish to stock up the nest for the new mouths to feed. Ozzie offered the… Read More »Dec 25-29 Nest Notes: And Now a Family of Four:

Nest Notes: Christmas Miracles

Harriet and Ozzie patiently await the arrival of their special gifts. Hatching time for their eggs is nearing quickly. Harriet experienced balancing issues over the last several days. Not wanting to speculate what Harriet’s problem was, all were expecting a miracle and hoping for her quick recovery. Harriet’s strength, courage and dedication to her young are evident as she struggles to regain her health. Harriet enjoyed a bath in their pond and continued caring for her precious eggs. Ozzie kept a watchful eye and took extra care in his nest… Read More »Nest Notes: Christmas Miracles

Almost Hatching Time: Nest Notes for Dec 14-20

 Harriet and Ozzie have many years of experience in eaglet rearing. They employ all their instincts and skills preparing for their soon to be baby eaglets. As the time draws closer to egg hatching, they work tirelessly taking turns on the nest incubating. Harriet took the opportunity to enjoy a few afternoons perched in the pasture trees preening and relaxing. She may sense the long hours and amount of energy needed to raise their young over the next several months. Ozzie and Harriet have a consistent rhythm sharing nest duties.… Read More »Almost Hatching Time: Nest Notes for Dec 14-20

Incubating & Waiting- Nest Notes for Dec 7-13

Cooler and crisper weather seemed to suit Harriet and Ozzie well this week. There were beautiful sunrises, stunning sunsets, lovely flights around the nest territory and a lot of activity in between. Perfectly timed flights into and away from the nest continued as Harriet and Ozzie tirelessly incubate their precious eggs. The time is drawing near for the rewards of their labor of love. Harriet assumes the majority of time on the nest incubating but Ozzie is always willing and eager to share in the duties. He has been diligent… Read More »Incubating & Waiting- Nest Notes for Dec 7-13

A Perfect Pair: Nest Notes for Nov. 30- Dec. 6

Harriet and Ozzie are a well tuned Eagle pair. Their vocals can be heard before dawn most mornings. Harriet calls out to her devoted mate Ozzie who arrives at the nest promptly, eager to take his turn incubating. He uses tender movements to roll and place the eggs in their proper place then lowers himself with a perfect shimmy. Harriet spends most overnight hours incubating but Ozzie has been viewed on the nest taking the night shift a few times. They are each so focused on the care of their… Read More »A Perfect Pair: Nest Notes for Nov. 30- Dec. 6

Thanksgiving at the Nest: Nest Notes for Nov. 22-29

It was day three since Egg number 1 arrived. Saturday morning began as many of the mornings do in the tall slash pine with vocal greetings between Harriet and Ozzie. Harriet had been incubating Egg number 1 during the overnight hours and was in need of a break. Harriet called out to her loyal mate Ozzie who perched nearby and who quickly arrived to take over his time on the nest. As the afternoon passed, Harriet returned to resume her nest duty and at 4:16 pm on November 22, 2014,… Read More »Thanksgiving at the Nest: Nest Notes for Nov. 22-29

A Family of Four: Nest Notes for Nov. 23

Harriet and Ozzie are a very experienced Eagle pair. They have each taken brooding duties for their first egg, gently rolling and placing it in just the right position. Each aerates the egg cup to make sure the area around the egg is soft and warm. Harriet usually spends the night hours in the nest tending to their precious egg. She sleeps but is ever aware at all times. Ozzie is always within a very short distance keeping the guard of Harriet and Egg number 1. Ozzie relieved Harriet often… Read More »A Family of Four: Nest Notes for Nov. 23

A Good Day for Egg Laying: Nest Notes for Nov. 19!

Harriet and Ozzie have proven time and time again their strong bond and devotion to each other and the next generation of Eagles. Ozzie began early mornings out on the hunt for Harriet’s meals. They are finely tuned into each other’s needs. Harriet vocalized her approval to Ozzie as he fed her well and readied the nest for coming eggs. The latest activities indicated the time was nearing for the big event. “Egg-citement” was building all weekend long watching Harriet spending more and more time in the nest. Several times… Read More »A Good Day for Egg Laying: Nest Notes for Nov. 19!

Preparation and Anticipation: Nest Notes for the Week of Nov. 8-15

Harriet and Ozzie’s work is never done as they prepare for their offspring. There is still much to do before the eggs are laid. Ozzie’s focus has been constant and tireless perfecting the home for his family. His excellent skills have produced a safe and soft place for Harriet as the time approaches for her to lay eggs. It seems that there are never enough sticks for the outer rails of the nest and Ozzie continues to build, build, and build. The “strep up” branch is almost covered by all… Read More »Preparation and Anticipation: Nest Notes for the Week of Nov. 8-15