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New Day, New Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 6

The day started out with overcast skies. E4 was working on wing strength and endurance, getting ready for branching and eventually a first flight from the nest tree. There are new “firsts” each new day. E4 is doing very well in grabbing and mantling food deliveries. E4 assumes full mantle mode each time Mom or Dad drops into the nest even if for a visit or to deliver nest material.  The light rain of late afternoon turned into a rolling thunderstorm with strong rains and winds. Mom and Dad were… Read More »New Day, New Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 6

Leaps and Bounds- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 5

E4 is not only growing by leaps and bounds but is also performing leaps and bounds in the nest. E4 is becoming more agile and coordinated with fly hopping from one side of the nest to the other. Prey was delivered by Dad and Mom in the morning. Meal deliveries are often a mystery and come wrapped in packages at times. Maybe the lesson for E4 is to learn that food comes in many different varieties. Dad and E4 ate together side by side in the nest. E4 is looking… Read More »Leaps and Bounds- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 5

Balancing Act- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 4

The foggy morning may have made E4 want to sleep in today. Mom called out a few times and then flew off to begin the search for the day’s meals. E4 finally began the day with wing flapping and higher hopping around the nest. Ozzie returned with a quick food drop of which E4 made a one gulp meal. Harriet’s deliveries included a fish, moss and sticks today. E4’s is gaining more confidence and balance and strength are improving day by day. E4 carried food, sticks and a pine cone… Read More »Balancing Act- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 4

All You Can Eat Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 1

It was a clear and beautiful start to the morning. E4 was awake and doing the usual stretching and looking for morsels in the nest to snack on. Mom was already out on the hunt and returned with a fresh fish to start the day. This was the first of two fish deliveries by Harriet and then two more fish were brought by Ozzie. Harriet also managed to do some aerating after her arrival with a stick for the rails. E4 pitched in to help Mom with some housekeeping. E4… Read More »All You Can Eat Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 1

Snack Time! Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 28

Harriet perched close by through the rainy overnight and checked on E4 several times. Morning came and a sunny day was underway for E4’s Eagle training. Mom’s early delivery was of the feathered variety. E4 tried waiting on the de-feathering process but grew hungrier and joined Mom with meal preparation. Some of Ozzie’s catches for the day came with fur and one with a foil wrapper of some kind. E4 was interested in the shinny object then decided it was not edible E4 quickly discarded the paper for a “nestover”… Read More »Snack Time! Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 28

Sticks & More Sticks- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 27

The nest was looking more like an obstacle course as Harriet continued bringing large branches to the nest and Ozzie arrived to help her place them. Having Mom, Dad and E4 on the nest seemed a bit crowded. E4 is learning to navigate around all the things in the nest. E4 managed to fly hop across the nest getting good air under beautifully growing wings. E4 rearranged sticks, carried fish around the nest and had several good self feedings. Mom and Dad still help E4 at meal time.  E4 spent… Read More »Sticks & More Sticks- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 27

Snacks & Sticks- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 26

The morning was foggy and misty, but E4 was awake early doing morning stretching and “wingersizing”. Mom was on the nest before light and shared a leftover fish tail with E4. The fog gave way to a windy day and E4 took advantage of the wind gusts using those impressive wings to get lift while hopping across the nest. Ozzie delivered a few snacks for E4 since he may have had difficulty fishing on this windy day. E4 aggressively mantled the small items Dad brought and self fed. E4 was… Read More »Snacks & Sticks- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 26

Sticks & Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 25

The busy day began with morning visits to the nest by Mom and Dad. Dad flew off to begin the hunt for food returning with a prey item which E4 mantled and claimed for breakfast. Harriet dropped in with a very large branch that could barely fit in the nest. E4 seemed bothered by the stick and tried to move it with no success. Ozzie brought a very alive flopping fish in the late morning which he fed to E4. E4 was occupied with trying to self feed on some… Read More »Sticks & Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 25

E4 Eating & Eating- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 24

It was a beautiful sunrise and E4 greeted the morning with stretching and wing exercises. Throughout the day the meal deliveries seemed to be puzzling to E4. Mom and Dad may be teaching E4 different items that will be food in the wild. Ozzie arrived with another fish head. E4 being quite expressive, looked around as if to say “This thing again”. Later Mom brought what looked to be a bird wing. E4 was looking up at Mom for an explanation of what to do with it. Eventually E4 got… Read More »E4 Eating & Eating- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 24