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Harriet & Ozzie’s Dedication- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 1

E4 was flapping away as the morning fog rolled in. Ozzie was on extra duty today, tirelessly hunting for the day’s meals and perching in the pasture tree for a long while. Harriet was on Mom duty, encouraging E4 to steal meals, offering a share of the food, and hopping from branch to branch maybe showing E4 how it’s done. E4 tracked Mom and Dad’s flight as they soared above the nest tree. E4 had a lot of bursts of wing hopping and mini flights sweeping across the nest. E4’s… Read More »Harriet & Ozzie’s Dedication- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for April 1

All You Can Eat Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 1

It was a clear and beautiful start to the morning. E4 was awake and doing the usual stretching and looking for morsels in the nest to snack on. Mom was already out on the hunt and returned with a fresh fish to start the day. This was the first of two fish deliveries by Harriet and then two more fish were brought by Ozzie. Harriet also managed to do some aerating after her arrival with a stick for the rails. E4 pitched in to help Mom with some housekeeping. E4… Read More »All You Can Eat Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for March 1

Sticks & Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 25

The busy day began with morning visits to the nest by Mom and Dad. Dad flew off to begin the hunt for food returning with a prey item which E4 mantled and claimed for breakfast. Harriet dropped in with a very large branch that could barely fit in the nest. E4 seemed bothered by the stick and tried to move it with no success. Ozzie brought a very alive flopping fish in the late morning which he fed to E4. E4 was occupied with trying to self feed on some… Read More »Sticks & Fish- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 25

E4 Eating & Eating- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 24

It was a beautiful sunrise and E4 greeted the morning with stretching and wing exercises. Throughout the day the meal deliveries seemed to be puzzling to E4. Mom and Dad may be teaching E4 different items that will be food in the wild. Ozzie arrived with another fish head. E4 being quite expressive, looked around as if to say “This thing again”. Later Mom brought what looked to be a bird wing. E4 was looking up at Mom for an explanation of what to do with it. Eventually E4 got… Read More »E4 Eating & Eating- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 24

Almost Like Flying- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 21

E4 spent the very breezy day doing lots of “wingersizing”. It was almost like flying as E4’s had wings outstretched for long periods of time getting a little lift off in the gusts of wind. Beautiful wing and tail feather development continues at a fast pace. Ozzie arrived with his large catch of the morning. E4 tracked Ozzie’s flight into the nest, rushed in with a great mantle, grabbed the fish and took off across the nest. It was a good that Dad got the fish back from E4 since… Read More »Almost Like Flying- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 21

Changing Day by Day- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Feb 20.

E4’s appearance is changing with each new day. It is hard to believe that on Christmas Day, 57 days ago, E4 came into the world as a tiny chick and is growing into a strong eaglet. E4 spent the day preening all the beautiful emerging feathers including a sweet little ruffled tail. E4’s body is nearly the same size as Mom and Dad. Instinct and observing Mom and Dad tearing food are helping E4 progress with self feeding. Ozzie delivered a fresh fish early and then proceeded to bring small… Read More »Changing Day by Day- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Feb 20.

Weathering the Storm- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 13

Strong thunderstorms with high winds swept through the area last evening. Harriet was at the nest to give shelter to E4 while the storm raged on. The cameras were affected but there were glimpses throughout the day from a few camera views and reports from watchful ground observers.  What is known is that Ozzie, Harriet and E4 weathered the storm and went on with their daily activities. It appeared that Ozzie and Harriet brought fresh fish to feed E4 and did some tidying up of the nest. E4 is still… Read More »Weathering the Storm- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 13

Learning Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 12

Early morning vocals were heard from Ozzie and Harriet and E4 was awake and waiting for food deliveries to begin. The nest was again filled with plentiful fish catches. E4 had a very full crop and slept off the effects from all the fresh fish. Ozzie and Harriet moved sticks and aerated the nest bowl. E4 is catching on quickly how to share in the chores and moved some things around in the nest too. E4’s beautiful wings are getting more and more exercise each day and balance and strength… Read More »Learning Lessons- Nest Notes, Photos & Videos for Feb 12

A Sad Day- Statement on E3’s Passing

It is with heavy hearts, we bring you an update on E3- this season’s elder eaglet: After a few days of a noticeable behavior change, E3’s health deteriorated and passed away in the nest early this morning.   While we may never know what caused the death of E3, we hope the documented videos and reports will help educate biologists and researchers & possibly save future eagles/eaglets. We all mourn together with the reminder that we are merely observers; given the rare and unique opportunity to witness these eagles in the… Read More »A Sad Day- Statement on E3’s Passing

And Then There was Food! – Nest Notes, Photos & Video for Jan 20

The food deliveries were plentiful and quiet a variety on this busy Monday. Breakfast, lunch and dinner included feathers, fur and a few fish dishes. E3 and E4 were learning the valuable lesson that food comes in all sizes and shapes. E4 is getting better at snatching good bites and staying out of E3’s way when the food arrives on the nest. At one point E4 was pecking away at a fish while E3 was sitting on it.  Harriet and Ozzie both delivered their catches throughout day for their hungry… Read More »And Then There was Food! – Nest Notes, Photos & Video for Jan 20