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The Hunt is On- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 has become a great flyer and explorer of the territory. Twists and turns maneuvering through the trees feeling the freedom of soaring have taken E9 to new and exciting places. E9 practices and sharpens lessons learned and inherent skills with each new day. Nature has provided E9 with many of the necessary tools for survival and with great Eagle parents to pave the way for E9’s success. E9 has grown in confidence and courage engaging in hunting and fishing behaviors, skimming the pond flushing out the water fowl swimming… Read More »The Hunt is On- Weekly Nest Notes

Great Explorations- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 has blossomed into a magnificent Juvenile Eagle over the past 3 months. Although the time seems to have passed quickly, E9 has become quite adept at many needed survival skills. E9 executes beautiful sweeping flights and maneuvers throughout the territory. Natural curiosity drives E9 to venture farther to new places. E9 was seen soaring in the skies last week and has followed Mom and Dad to scope out some of their favorite place throughout the rest of the week. E9 made daily jaunts to Yonder Pond and was observed… Read More »Great Explorations- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 The Adventurer- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 takes flight in the early morning maneuvering from tree to tree, limb to limb, to the ground and back again with great speed and ease. E9 perched on the favorite snag trees near the pasture pond observing the area and looking for new places and experiences. Tremendous flying skills paired with a keen eye and sense of adventure and curiosity prepare E9 for daily exploration of the nest pasture and beyond. E9 traveled to the far ends of the territory finding the way to Yonder Pond across the busy… Read More »E9 The Adventurer- Weekly Nest Notes

Flying Like The Wind- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 is well equipped with skills and instincts that continue to be honed as first flight becomes a reality. Some may say that E9’s fledge was a slip and although E9’s leap of faith was while hanging upside down, recovery was quick and there was indeed a flight to the west pasture. E9 landed on the ground for the first time jumping, grabbing, carrying sticks and experiencing all the new sensations and sights. E9 lifted off the ground and executed a short flight landing on the fence. Dad flew to… Read More »Flying Like The Wind- Weekly Nest Notes

Weather, Wind and Wings- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 has been making remarkable strides on the journey of Eagle life. Nature provides for all creatures to learn to adapt daily no matter the weather or conditions. Foggy and misty mornings did not dampen E9’s quest for action and food. Strong beautiful wings took E9 to new heights and longer fly hops across the nest landing on the very top of the nest rails with a firm grasp. As E9’s courage grows the next landing places will be the nearby branches. E9’s winging and hopping expend much energy which… Read More »Weather, Wind and Wings- Weekly Nest Notes

All in a Day’s Workout- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 greeted the morning of the 8th week since hatch day with vocals to Mom and Dad who were perched on the attic branch just above the nest. They seemed to answer back with their “Good Morning” vocals. E9’s eagerness and energy gave way to exercising and strengthening of mighty wings. E9 caught the breezes and fly hopped with feet leaving the nest momentarily and landing on the railing. E9 is feeling confident on the nest edge looking over the rails to the happenings below. The nearest branch awaits E9… Read More »All in a Day’s Workout- Weekly Nest Notes

Eagle Lessons Continue: Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15’s teamwork in providing E9 with valuable lessons reaps big rewards. At just over 7 weeks old E9 is keenly aware of all that goes on and is quick to act when Mom or Dad return to the nest. E9 tracks their approach and rushes to see what they are bringing. While expecting food, E9 grabbed Dad’s toe as he delivered a stick not wanting to let go. Mom flew in with an air plant and was met with bite on the neck from E9 who wanted a… Read More »Eagle Lessons Continue: Weekly Nest Notes

Milestones Toward Success- Weekly Nest Notes

Magnificent sunrises, beautiful sunsets and the bright full moon over the territory served as stunning backdrops for the activities of Harriet, M15 and E9. Mom and Dad continue providing their not so little E9 with all that is necessary for growth and learning. M15 proves his great hunting skills by presenting fish, fowl and a few mammals to the nest. Mom and Dad begin eating to encourage E9 to step in and grab bites and E9 snatched a first time steal from Dad gulping it down. E9 begins to self… Read More »Milestones Toward Success- Weekly Nest Notes

Profiles of Courage- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 is progressing and displaying many changes in appearance and behavior. Tufts of downy light feathers are being replaced with new dark juvenile feathers as wing and tail feathers are emerging at a fast pace. E9 stands for longer periods of time and takes more steps across the nest as balance and strength allow upright walking and flapping of beautiful growing wings. E9 gained confidence teetering on the edge of the nest watching the world below as onlookers gasped. Meal deliveries see a more aggressive E9 rush to the food… Read More »Profiles of Courage- Weekly Nest Notes

Change is in the Air- Weekly Nest Notes

E9 turned 4 weeks old and was treated to a fish gift from Dad that was received with energetic excitement. E9’s changing appearance and growth are occurring in dramatic fashion daily. E9 is sporting new thermal down and emerging wing, contour and tail juvenile feathers. E9’s feet and beak are approaching adult size and E9 has been picking at prey but not quite able to self feed. Standing upright and taking a step or two is helping to build E9’s leg muscles and coordination. Bold and persistent juvenile Eagles and… Read More »Change is in the Air- Weekly Nest Notes