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Weekly Nest Notes: Fantastic Flyers

E15 and E16 are over 100 days old and have many of the tools they need for Eagle life on their own. They are strong, inquisitive, and eager Juvenile Eagles seeking new experiences. Their natural capacity for wonder finds them at the pond exploring and foraging through the plants and perching on the fences and trees. They enjoy a drink, romp around the pond bank, grab at sticks and stones, and take refreshing baths in the water. The pond provides them with quiet, shady comfort to rest and conserve their… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Fantastic Flyers

Weekly Nest Notes: Rolling to the Halfway Mark (March 16)

Harriet and M15 keep up the exceptional care of their precious Eggs as they are about at the halfway point to hatching. Warmer temperatures show them diligently rolling and incubating the Eggs while enduring direct midday sun and heat in the process. Their intricate feather system allows for perfect regulation of their body temperatures and that of the Eggs.  They step off the nest bowl from time to time, even flying off to the pond for a drink. They are always within eyeshot of the nest and can return in… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Rolling to the Halfway Mark (March 16)

Weekly Nest Notes: Another Wonderful Addition! (March 3)

Harriet and M15 start each new Season with their sights set on adding to the Eagle population. Despite all their efforts, an unexpected turn of events resulted in the sudden loss of their beloved Eaglet E14 and an unhatched Egg 2.  Just when it seemed to be an end to the Season, Harriet and M15 showed a renewed interest in beginning again. In a Season 8 reboot, their efforts were successful and Harriet did indeed lay Egg 3 and another wonderful addition, Egg 4. Harriet and M15 made a smooth… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Another Wonderful Addition! (March 3)

Weekly Nest Notes: Continuing the Journey (Feb. 25)

Harriet and M15  proceed on their mission with compelling resolve to propagate their species.  After the loss of their Eaglet E14 and Egg 2 that did not hatch, an empty nest did not seem to be part of Harriet and M15’s plan.  They began to work on all the components of what it takes to raise a family.  They started rebuilding their nest, kept their territory within their grasp, and solidified their bond and devotion to each other. Their behaviors over the last month gave many indications that they were… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Continuing the Journey (Feb. 25)

Weekly Nest Notes: A Window Into Eagle Life (Feb. 17)

Harriet and M15 have been working diligently, fortifying their nest with many branches and sticks over the weeks. The Nesting Season has taken a new direction after E14 passed away and their Egg 2 didn’t hatch. This part of their journey is unknown and each day presents new lessons. There is some documentation of nests where Eagles laid a new clutch after eggs or very young hatchlings were lost. The time frame for more eggs ranged from about 2 to 5 weeks after the loss. Harriet and M15 are approaching… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: A Window Into Eagle Life (Feb. 17)

Weekly Nest Notes- Fine Tuning the Details

Harriet and M15 are making great strides as they ready the nest. Most early mornings find them either perched in the nest tree or nearby. M15 is usually first to the nest taking notice of what materials are needed. He is then off in a flash scoping out the trees for that perfect stick or to the ground looking for more grasses. His biggest find was a huge air plant/bromeliad which he tried to return to the nest only to lose is in the process.  Harriet likes to add fresh… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Fine Tuning the Details

Nest Notes: A Week of Firsts & Feats

 E6 is building a growing list of accomplishments and successes as Eagle life lessons continue. Observations of many “firsts” and feats occur daily. E6’s expanding horizons include beautiful soaring to the upper limits and playful frolicking at a new found pond away from the nest territory. “Yonder Pond” holds many fresh and enticing experiences. E6 delights in walking around the banks of the new pond grabbing and carrying anything that piques interest. E6 seems to have taken ownership of Yonder Pond practicing defensive and also offensive skills. E6 has driven… Read More »Nest Notes: A Week of Firsts & Feats

Exploring the Great Unknown: Nest Notes- April 12-19

E6 greets the early mornings with eagerness and is discovering new and interesting experiences within and outside the nest territory. E6’s curiosity and drive for adventure is apparent in the skies and on land at the pond bank. E6 enjoys lengthy flights sweeping through the clouds and back alone and at times with Mom. E6 even finds entertainment with the small knots and knurls on the tree branches landing on them, pulling off bits and pieces and at times tumbling off only to regain flight and try it all over… Read More »Exploring the Great Unknown: Nest Notes- April 12-19

First Flight: E6′s Fledge Day (Nest Notes Special Edition)

E6’s first flight toward freedom was accomplished with great purpose today. All the months of preparation with the guidance of wonderful Eagle parents Harriet and Ozzie presented E6 with the necessary skills and strength for this flight away from the safety net of the nest tree. E6 flew with grace and determination around the nest tree and landed perfectly in a nearby slash pine tree. E6 looked very comfortable perched in the new tree and seemed to have a sense of pride while looking around the pasture from a new… Read More »First Flight: E6′s Fledge Day (Nest Notes Special Edition)

A Turn of Events – Nest Notes for March 15-22

E6 is 12 weeks old and the adventurous spirit becomes more apparent as new perches in the nest tree are reached. The “spike” and the “porch” branch just off the nest were some of the favorite places E6 fly hopped to with the greatest of ease. E6 ascended to the higher “attic” branch above the nest like a pro who had done so many times. E6 managed to climb and fly hop to farther branches and was able to take a short flights back to the nest. E6 has done… Read More »A Turn of Events – Nest Notes for March 15-22