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Special Hatch Edition Nest Notes: Welcome E12 & E13

Harriet & M welcomed two beautiful new additions to their family. In the warm bright sunshine, E12 finally hatched from Egg#1 on December 23, 2018, at 11:26 am. E13 began the process of breaking out of the shell and during the night of December 24, 2018, at 10:35 pm, was seen wiggling under Mom.  The process of hatching begins many hours before a first crack or PIP appears on the shell of the egg. The chick works very hard inside the shell to free itself and emerge into a big… Read More »Special Hatch Edition Nest Notes: Welcome E12 & E13

Weekly Nest Notes: A New Generation Coming Soon!

Harriet and M15 possess impressive instincts that drive them to the fulfillment of their mission to procreate.  Over the months, they have worked as an exceptional team in the care and protection of their precious Eggs, their territory and each other. They prepare to welcome new additions to their family in a few days. M15 brought more grass and sticks over the week adding to the nest bowl and the outer railings. Rainy days didn’t deter either from their duties incubating and keeping their Eggs completely dry. The hours of… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: A New Generation Coming Soon!

Weekly Nest Notes: Perfect Timing is Everything

Harriet and M15 execute perfectly timed exchanges almost like a dance as one leaves the nest and the other arrives. They have become an efficient incubating team. There were a few cooler evenings and breezy days over the week that required continual brooding of their Eggs. It may seem as if those hours spent on the nest are tedious ones but Harriet and M15 instinctively time the moments they rise up to roll the Eggs keeping the developing Chicks at an even temperature. M15 delivered beak and talons full of… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Perfect Timing is Everything

Weekly Nest Notes: Anticipating New Life

Harriet and M15 worked throughout the week as a well-timed team, taking turns for constant incubation of their two perfect Eggs. M15 added grasses, moss, and straw to the nest to keep their Eggs cushioned and toasty warm.  Both continually aerate around the Eggs, fluffing up the bowl and roll the Eggs keeping them evenly incubated. They settle into the bowl with a shimmy allowing the Eggs to be placed under them for maximum contact. Harriet and M15 use the utmost care with their precious Eggs as they approach them… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Anticipating New Life

Weekly Nest Notes: Contemplating the Coming Events

Harriet and M15 add the finishing touches to the nest with soft grasses and moss for their eggs and with many strong sticks for rails to secure hatchlings. M15 has become the master nest builder finding the perfect nest materials and air plant gifts for Harriet. Harriet likes to observe and add her voice and choice of where she wants everything placed.  Harriet has been much of a homebody these days, perching on the outer branches of the nest tree watching the territory and preening. She may be savoring these… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Contemplating the Coming Events

Weekly Nest Notes- Fine Tuning the Details

Harriet and M15 are making great strides as they ready the nest. Most early mornings find them either perched in the nest tree or nearby. M15 is usually first to the nest taking notice of what materials are needed. He is then off in a flash scoping out the trees for that perfect stick or to the ground looking for more grasses. His biggest find was a huge air plant/bromeliad which he tried to return to the nest only to lose is in the process.  Harriet likes to add fresh… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Fine Tuning the Details

Weekly Nest Notes: Dedicated to the Goal

Harriet and M15 continued their efforts in preparation for egg laying. As the time nears, their behaviors become more purposeful. Their closeness and bonding sessions are frequent and they are spending most of the overnight hours together on the nest tree. Large branches and sticks along with fluffy grasses are brought in making the nest solid and comfy. M15 likes to dig in and lie in the nest bowl to give it the softness test. Harriet observes from above and at times voices her approval. Her mood seems to have… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Dedicated to the Goal

Weekly Nest Notes: Togetherness & Teamwork

Harriet and M15 have been spending more time at the nest as the season is progressing. They display their skills grabbing sticks from trees on the fly. M15 excels  in his abilities finding perfect nest materials, delivering them to the nest and placing them in just the right spot or where ever Harriet decides. She contributes to the building adding fresh pine and materials and “helping” M15 with nestorations as she oversees the tasks.   M15 has become an accomplished hunter and delivered a variety of food offerings to Harriet.… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Togetherness & Teamwork

Nest Notes Extra: Happy Mother’s Day Harriet!

Harriet savors her time of renewal as an active and successful nesting season winds down. She can be found at times perching in the far reaches of the territory enjoying a meal, relaxing and preening.  Her sights are still set on preservation of the home front as she makes occasional appearances and delivers sticks or fresh pine boughs to her nest. Harriet has selflessly given of herself and is the mainstay that holds her family together.  She reigns over her domain with control and fierceness balanced with nurturing and tenderness.… Read More »Nest Notes Extra: Happy Mother’s Day Harriet!

Weekly Nest Notes: Seeking New Horizons

The week began with E11 making an appearance after being away for a few days.  E10 and E11 perched in the nest tree overnight and on the snag trees the next morning. After a good rest and a filling meal, E11 took to the skies.  It seemed that E10 was again the solo Juvenile Eagle in the pasture and now spending quality time with Mom and Dad. One morning, Dad treated E10 to a breakfast fish after which E10 flew off toward Yonder Pond. Since there have not been any… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Seeking New Horizons