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Small Steps, Giant Leaps and Beautiful Flights- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 took the first daring flight to the Old Cam Tree then seemed to spend a day contemplating the accomplishment. The call to flight and freedom won over E7 and as the week progressed E7 grew in confidence and stamina. Beautiful flights were executed around the pasture as E7 discovered new trees to perch in and dance among the branches like a pro. E7 frolicked in the new found sensations of flying to the pond and other snag trees. Another first was realized as E7 was bombarded and chased by… Read More »Small Steps, Giant Leaps and Beautiful Flights- Weekly Nest Notes

A Week of “Firsts”- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are excelling in their skills and many milestones are being realized along the way. E8 had been observing E7’s technique fly hopping from branch to branch all week. E8’s big event was to step up to the spike extension branch just off the nest for an official first “branch”. E8 continued to develop courage moving back to the nest and then a first hop up to the veranda branch. E8’s confidence was boosted and an effortless first trip to the porch branch was accomplished. E7 and E8… Read More »A Week of “Firsts”- Weekly Nest Notes

Weekly Nest Notes- Strength & Courage

Harriet and M15 perch and observe the progress nearly grown E7 and E8 have made over the last few months. If Eagles have feelings, Mom and Dad seem to have a sense of pride in their unfailing efforts as E7 and E8 display great use of the lessons they are receiving. Mom and Dad have equally shared in delivering a wide menu of fish and prey teaching that food is available in many forms. E7 and E8 are learning how to feed themselves no matter what is presented. As each… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Strength & Courage

First Steps to Freedom- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 mustered up the courage to take what must have felt like a giant leap from the security of the nest for the first time on March 29 at 10:08 am. E7 experienced the taste of freedom using the “veranda” or “step up branch” for beginning the new adventure. The spark is ignited and E7 is gaining more and more confidence leaving the nest and seeking out other nearby branches. E7 discovered the “spike branch” and the “porch branch” moving between them and back to the nest with ease. Wing… Read More »First Steps to Freedom- Weekly Nest Notes

Eagle Education Continued- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E 8 are learning their Eagle lessons and are getting top honors. They use their beautiful wings to flap away in the breezes. E7 is catching good air time making it across the nest in sweeping fly hops. At times it looks as if E7 lands on a tree branch but it is one of the higher nest rails. Space becomes limited in the nest as they are nearly adult size and E8 let E7 know it wasn’t appreciated to be landed upon. Grasping and carrying things in… Read More »Eagle Education Continued- Weekly Nest Notes

Springing Into Spring- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are relishing in the strong breezes as they flap away and spring into fly hops across the nest. The benefit will be strong wings to prepare them for branching and eventual flight. Spring rains gave them a well needed shower dousing them, the nest and Mom and Dad. E7 and E8 have become voracious eaters as they bombard Mom or Dad landing on the nest with or without food. Harriet and M15 have stepped up their food deliveries and at times have just dropped off their catch… Read More »Springing Into Spring- Weekly Nest Notes

Changing by the Minute- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are looking more like juvenile Eagles than fuzzy little eaglets as they change daily. Their adult like feathers appear to be popping out by the minute. Soon it will be hard to tell who is who. Their interactions change from peaceful snuggling to rivalry as they learn from one another and Mom and Dad. E7 and E8 build strong legs and wings by walking and “wingersizing” as the breezy weather continues. Both are more aware of their surroundings and the world beyond the nest. E7 is still… Read More »Changing by the Minute- Weekly Nest Notes

Progressing and Practicing- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are developing many new Eaglet behaviors and practicing these skills. There are subtleties in their growth and progression each day that are amazing to witness. E8 is honing stealthy ways to avoid stronger more aggressive sibling E7 and to get a share of the meal offerings. E8’s speed and courage increase with each bite grabbed and fear is fading. M15 is an excellent hunter and provider for the family. Harriet, a seasoned hunter in her own right, has also done her fair share in meal selections. There… Read More »Progressing and Practicing- Weekly Nest Notes

Growing Stronger- Weekly Nest Notes

Nest mates E7 and E8 are progressing each day as young eaglets. E7 has been mastering aggressiveness and is mostly first to eat at meal delivery. E8 gains courage and learns new ways to get to the food by staying out of the way and slowly making a move when the time is right. E8 is becoming more assertive and eager grabbing a good share at mealtime. All these skills are valuable for young Eagles to learn for their survival. Their growth and lessons are in high gear as Mom… Read More »Growing Stronger- Weekly Nest Notes

Learning the Way of the Eagle – Weekly Nest Notes

Nest mates E7 and E8 are finding their way as they grow at a rapid speed. New features are taking shape as they begin to sprout new feathers and little tails are emerging. They begin to flap their growing wings and stand up at times on almost adult size feet. Their curiosity is peaked as they are now over a foot tall and able to peer over the nest rails at the world beyond the nest. E7 and E8’s needs are becoming greater and Mom and Dad have stepped up… Read More »Learning the Way of the Eagle – Weekly Nest Notes