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Weekly Nest Notes- Harriet & M15′s New Year Dedication

Dedication and commitment are the resolve of Harriet and M15 as 2016 arrives without ceremony in the territory. Fireworks could be viewed off in the distance but Harriet and company were tucked in the safety of their nest as M15 stood guard nearby. The past year has been filled with many dramatic moments and culminated with the renewal of life as Harriet and M15 produced the beginnings of their bond. Harriet laid their first egg on December 19, 2015 at 4:25 pm and the second egg was laid on December… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Harriet & M15′s New Year Dedication

Keeping with Nature’s Plan- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet continues on with her innate desire to build the bond with M15 and produce a new generation of Eagles. The bond has been developing over time and there have been many critical steps in the pairing of these two. M15 has been very energetic in his efforts to please Harriet. He has become more consistent in delivering meals to the nest for Harriet. He has been bringing softer nest material to welcome any possible eggs. M15 keeps his protective sights on the territory turning away any potential intruders. His… Read More »Keeping with Nature’s Plan- Weekly Nest Notes

The Nature of Eagle Life- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 are following nature’s calling by continuing to build their bond and rebuild the nest to welcome a new generation of eaglets. Harriet instincts are solid as she surveys the nest each morning and takes flight to a nearby tree to find just the right branch. Harriet prefers to break branches and sticks from trees and M15 seems to have a stash of soft grasses and sticks in the pasture that he picks from to deliver to the nest. M15 has watched Harriet grab a branch and break… Read More »The Nature of Eagle Life- Weekly Nest Notes

M15 and the Ways of Eagle Life

Eagle life has changed in the pasture as the cycle continues in a new direction. Harriet has overcome many obstacles in her path with stellar courage. Since the tragic loss of Ozzie who was her mate for many years, Harriet has grown closer to M15 the young Eagle who has been courting her over the last several months. Harriet knows that her mate must be dedicated to care for her and any future eaglets. Since this may be M15’s first time as a mate and father there are still things… Read More »M15 and the Ways of Eagle Life

Nest Notes: Harriet Leads by Example

Photo by Jan WoodsPhoto by Jan Woods Harriet is a well seasoned Eagle partner and Mom. She has excelled in her ability to adapt to her challenges and raise her young. She has imprinted many lessons on to her offspring as they grew into strong juvenile Eagles who ventures off into the world. Harriet always seemed to rule the roost, so to speak. Female Eagles appear to be the dominant partner in Eagle family dynamics. We observed Harriet in her gentle but also firm ways in raising her young and… Read More »Nest Notes: Harriet Leads by Example

First Flight: E6′s Fledge Day (Nest Notes Special Edition)

E6’s first flight toward freedom was accomplished with great purpose today. All the months of preparation with the guidance of wonderful Eagle parents Harriet and Ozzie presented E6 with the necessary skills and strength for this flight away from the safety net of the nest tree. E6 flew with grace and determination around the nest tree and landed perfectly in a nearby slash pine tree. E6 looked very comfortable perched in the new tree and seemed to have a sense of pride while looking around the pasture from a new… Read More »First Flight: E6′s Fledge Day (Nest Notes Special Edition)

Baby Steps- Nest Notes for Feb 23-March 1

E6 throws caution to the wind mastering skills learned in these seemingly short 9 weeks. E6’s courage strengthens along with wings, legs and grasping abilities. E6’s is looking more and more grown up exercising beautiful wings in the breezes and fly hopping across the nest jumping higher and higher. Harriet and Ozzie are keenly aware of E6’s activities and have been bringing more and thicker sticks to the nest. E6 seems to be encouraged to take steps up on to those “rails”. E6 has been teetering on the edges more… Read More »Baby Steps- Nest Notes for Feb 23-March 1

Making Strides- Nest Notes for Feb 9-16

E6 has made great strides learning skills on the journey to become a majestic Eagle one day. E6 is approaching 8 weeks of age and another phase of growth begins. Harriet and Ozzie have become a finely tuned delivery system to assure E6’s food demands are met. Mom and Dad have introduced E6 to a wide variety of meals that included different types of fish, furry and feathered prey. E6 is developing a keen Eagle eye greeting the deliveries with excitement and watching the preparations of the meals. E6 has… Read More »Making Strides- Nest Notes for Feb 9-16

Just Keep Growing! Nest Notes for Jan. 25- Feb 1

E6 is 5 weeks old and has had a lot of experiences and lessons over the last week. Some conditions were changing in the nest as the weather turned windy and cooler teaching E6 to lay low and seek the shelter of Mom and Dad. Rains moved into the area and E6 learned that wet meant bath since there is no room under Mom or Dad for E6’s larger body. E6 is experiencing a tremendous growing spurt and E6’s appearance is changing with beautifully developing wings and feathers. E6 gains… Read More »Just Keep Growing! Nest Notes for Jan. 25- Feb 1

A Perfect Pair: Nest Notes for Nov. 30- Dec. 6

Harriet and Ozzie are a well tuned Eagle pair. Their vocals can be heard before dawn most mornings. Harriet calls out to her devoted mate Ozzie who arrives at the nest promptly, eager to take his turn incubating. He uses tender movements to roll and place the eggs in their proper place then lowers himself with a perfect shimmy. Harriet spends most overnight hours incubating but Ozzie has been viewed on the nest taking the night shift a few times. They are each so focused on the care of their… Read More »A Perfect Pair: Nest Notes for Nov. 30- Dec. 6