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Weekly Nest Notes: Wings in the Wind

E10 and E11 frolicked in the warm breezy weather over the week and took every opportunity to use their majestic wings to catch the wind and lift themselves to higher heights.  Their daring high hops helped them move from the spike to the veranda and back to the nest smoothly and easily. They ventured out farther on the veranda branch and higher to the tip of the spike while flapping wildly in the wind. They launched to and perched on the veranda branch together. The next stop may be out… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Wings in the Wind

Weekly Nest Notes: MILESTONE ALERT! The Eaglets have Branched!

Harriet and M15’s diligence in raising E10 and E11 have produced great rewards. These two active and healthy Eaglets have amassed a wealth of skills and behaviors and have surpassed many milestones over the last months. They have progressed through their “baby steps” and are now setting their sights on bigger goals. The closeness of their ages has seemed to allow them to experience everything at almost the same time. E11 was the first to mantle and grab a whole fish from Dad. E11 also was the first to figure… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: MILESTONE ALERT! The Eaglets have Branched!

Weekly Nest Notes: Feathers, Wings & More!

E10 and E11 are checking off more milestones in their young lives as they change seemingly minute by minute.   Their contour, wing and tail feathers are beginning to emerge and they spend a lot of time preening them. Remnants of light gray downy fluff gives them a comical appearance but it will be replaced with beautiful juvenile feathers.  Spectacular wings are unfolding and  E10 and E11 begin to get the feel of the breezes as they flap away. Balance and leg strength grows and they will soon be walking… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Feathers, Wings & More!

Weekly Nest Notes- Hatch Edition- The Continuing Journey

Late summer of 2017 began with preparations for the upcoming nesting season when Harriet and M15 reunited renewing their bond to each other. They surveyed the nest for soundness after it sat idle over the long hot summer months. Harriet made appearances to her nest and territory off and on throughout that time as she has over the last several years. They worked together in the early mornings adding sticks, branches, moss and grasses, readying the nest. M15 has become an exceptional nest builder as the nest rails grew higher… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Hatch Edition- The Continuing Journey

Weekly Nest Notes: Keeping the Focus

Harriet and M15 remain focused during the homestretch to hatch time for their precious Eggs. Their peak performance in exchanges and vigilance in the caring for their prized possessions brings to light the importance of their mission. They continually adapt to the many circumstances presented to them. They instinctively make adjustments to the nest by adding materials and repositioning the Eggs and their balance over them ensuring they are evenly incubated. They are acutely aware of all the comings and goings as life moves on in the pasture. A beautiful… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Keeping the Focus

Weekly Nest Notes: Timing and Teamwork

The chill in the air seemed to be welcomed by Harriet as she lay sleeping restfully with her head tucked under her wing. M15 took his place on the branch above keeping the overnight watch. Harriet and M15 work together as a finely tuned team toward their goal. They changed up their routine when M15 took a few hours of the night shift and Harriet flew off in a new direction on her early morning break.  At times the nest resembles a landing strip as one flies off on the… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Timing and Teamwork

Weekly Nest Notes:  Preparing for the New Generation

The week was filled with a lot of nest work. M15 and Harriet have been busy adding soft nest materials to the center forming a nicely cushioned nest bole for eggs. M15 has been lying in and digging in the bole to keep it fluffed up. They both have been bringing a lot of large sturdy branches for the rails which will help contain adventurous eaglets. M15 makes frequent food deliveries displaying his readiness to feed Harriet and their young. Harriet seemed a bit feisty over the week encouraging M15… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes:  Preparing for the New Generation

Eagle Life in Bloom- Weekly Nest Notes

The season is in full swing as Harriet and M15 continue to add sticks to the railings and grasses to their nest. Harriet does her part bringing moss and fresh sprigs of pine needles. Discussions ensue over placement of the materials resulting in Harriet getting the say-so most times. M15 is more consistent with food deliveries for Harriet. Great care is taken in the meal department since there have been juvenile and subadult Eagles following M15 who might be looking to snag an easy lunch. These visitors possibly have traveled… Read More »Eagle Life in Bloom- Weekly Nest Notes

The Journey Ahead- Weekly Nest Notes

The day would come to say “Farewell” but it may not have been an easy task. E9 has made a lasting impression on all who watched from hatch, to fledge, to possibly the last time perching and sharing a meal with Mom and Dad. E9 became a formidable presence while practicing behaviors that will lead to hunting and defending from the attacking crows and grackles. Self preservation prevailed as E9 fearlessly stole food from Harriet despite efforts to keep her meal. All of these actions will help insure E9’s survival.… Read More »The Journey Ahead- Weekly Nest Notes