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Little E’s Big Adventure- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 1

The New Year, 2014, came in with very loud bang. Harriet looked very disturbed and Ozzie was on the nest at her side in an instant. It appeared that the fireworks of the celebrations in the area were bothering them. Ozzie and Harriet became more on guard, vocalized often and focused in the nest tree for several hours after the noise subsided. Additional thoughts were that an owl was perched in the nest tree. Upon later review it was found that another eagle was perched on a branch higher in… Read More »Little E’s Big Adventure- Nest Notes, Videos & Photos for Jan 1

A Visitor Watching- Nest Activity & Videos for Dec 22

Harriet patiently and unselfishly tends to her precious eggs as the hatch time for the first egg laid is approaching. She has been on nest duty since late afternoon yesterday. Ozzie is standing by to support Harriet but she keeps to tending. Their devotion to each other and to their young is amazing. Harriet and Ozzie shared a few brief visits on the upper branches of the nest tree. Harriet had time to stretch and took a few short flights for exercise. All the while the nest was under the… Read More »A Visitor Watching- Nest Activity & Videos for Dec 22

Sunday is the Day of Rest- Nest Activity for Dec 8

The fog of the early morning was taken away by the beautiful sunrise at Ozzie and Harriet’s nest. Ozzie took over his incubating duties at 6:37 am. The day continued with both Ozzie and Harriet flying to and from the cam 2 tree for egg sitting. The heat of the day allowed for brief periods of time off the eggs. Harriet spent time up and down from the eggs, preening and watching the happenings in the area. Ozzie flew to the cam 2 tree for one of his mini breaks.… Read More »Sunday is the Day of Rest- Nest Activity for Dec 8

Nest Activity for Dec 6

Guarding, Incubating and Waiting SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Friday, December 6, 2013 Ozzie and Harriet began their vocal conversations before sunrise. Ozzie arrived at 5:56 am to take over incubating as Harriet flew off the nest. The foggy morning gave way to a very warm day at the nest. There were a few exchanges throughout the day as Ozzie and Harriet each had their turn caring for their precious eggs. The usually calm Ozzie seemed agitated today with the starlings and other birds flying to close for his liking. He took… Read More »Nest Activity for Dec 6

Ready for Landing- Nest Activity for Dec 3.

Ozzie and Harriet’s Flight Path –  The day began in the usual manner with Harriet calling out for Ozzie to take over her overnight incubating duties. Harriet got a long relief today. Ozzie’s time with his precious eggs demonstrated his gentle and attentive ways. He took special care rolling the eggs and aerating the nest bowl. Harriet had time to spend at the pond in the late afternoon before returning for her all night nest duty. Since the arrival of Ozzie and Harriet’s precious eggs, they have become a very… Read More »Ready for Landing- Nest Activity for Dec 3.

Breakfast in Bed (Eagle Edition)- Nest Activity for Nov. 29

Harriet’s overnight incubating duty lasted a little longer today. Ozzie delivered a nice headless fish breakfast to Harriet at 7:00 am….. SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Friday, November 29, 2013 She loudly called out as he approached with the food offering. Ozzie took over incubating their precious eggs as Harriet eagerly ate her fish. She saved the tail, her favorite part, for a later snack. Ozzie brought soft nest material and then a stick to the nest which he proceeded to put in place almost bowling over Harriet as she lay incubating… Read More »Breakfast in Bed (Eagle Edition)- Nest Activity for Nov. 29

Giving Thanks- Nest Activity for Nov. 28

As some of us took a day off to spend time with family and friends, we are thankful that Ozzie and Harriet were fulfilling their commitment to their future offspring. Harriet was on incubating duty over the chilly night time and early morning hours. Harriet’s body is larger than Ozzie’s and covers the whole nest bowl. Maybe it was a good idea to have a larger “furnace” keeping those precious eggs warm. Ozzie and Harriet, being the wonderful parents they are, took their turns at egg sitting throughout the day.… Read More »Giving Thanks- Nest Activity for Nov. 28

Through Winds & Rains…Daily Summary for Nov 26

SWFEC DAILY SUMMARY Tuesday, November 26, 2013NEITHER WIND, NOR RAIN, NOR… The overnight hours brought wind and rain to the area. The precious eggs were warm and safe in their nest under the care of Mom, Harriet. The first exchange of incubation duties took place at 6:43 am. Dad, Ozzie took over the care of the precious eggs carefully rolling the eggs and aerating the nest to keep the nest bowl soft and dry. Harriet returned later in the morning with more soft nest material. Instinctively they know cooler, wetter… Read More »Through Winds & Rains…Daily Summary for Nov 26

Dinner is Served…Nest Summary for Sunday, Nov 24

Hungry Harriet and 2 Fish Tails Harriet began her early morning vocalizing for Ozzie to relieve her night shift of incubating their beautiful eggs. It was reported that Harriet was on the nest for 12 hours and 45 minutes. Ozzie immediately appeared on the nest to take over his morning duties. Ozzie was on the nest for several hours when Harriet flew in for her turn. Ozzie came back to the nest area with a fish. He took it to a tree by the pond and proceeded to eat his… Read More »Dinner is Served…Nest Summary for Sunday, Nov 24

Eagle Egg Q &A

Summary/Photo by UrdognU Harriet so proud of her two baby eggs  Can eagles lay more than one egg at a time?Eagles lay their eggs one at a time and from one to three days apart. Egg producing consumes a great deal of energy. Only one egg can be produced at a time and takes 24 hours or more to form once the male sperm penetrates the ova (female egg). Can one mating result in more than one egg?One mating can result in more than one egg. The sperm reaches the… Read More »Eagle Egg Q &A