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Persistence & Perseverance- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 are taking all the necessary steps toward cementing the bond that has been developing over the last several months. It has been said that Eagles mate for life however there are perils along the way. Harriet tragically lost her devoted mate Ozzie. Young suitor M15 arrived on the scene, persisted, persevered and has been at Harriet’s side. One theory is that they are not considered a bonded pair until they raise young together. This may be the first chance for M15 to do just that. Harriet’s invaluable… Read More »Persistence & Perseverance- Weekly Nest Notes

The Nature of Eagle Life- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 are following nature’s calling by continuing to build their bond and rebuild the nest to welcome a new generation of eaglets. Harriet instincts are solid as she surveys the nest each morning and takes flight to a nearby tree to find just the right branch. Harriet prefers to break branches and sticks from trees and M15 seems to have a stash of soft grasses and sticks in the pasture that he picks from to deliver to the nest. M15 has watched Harriet grab a branch and break… Read More »The Nature of Eagle Life- Weekly Nest Notes

Weekly Nest Notes: Team Work

The nesting season is progressing and the possibility of eggs looks promising. Harriet and M15 have been steadily working on nest enhancements bringing larger branches for railings and some soft nesting materials for eggs. Their teamwork is paying off as the nest takes shape with the beginnings of a nest bowl. M15’s instincts are in full force as his skills in branch choice and arrangement are sharpening. Harriet seems to still be in charge when they wrangle over the right placement of nest material. Their bond as a mated Eagle… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes: Team Work

M15 and the Ways of Eagle Life

Eagle life has changed in the pasture as the cycle continues in a new direction. Harriet has overcome many obstacles in her path with stellar courage. Since the tragic loss of Ozzie who was her mate for many years, Harriet has grown closer to M15 the young Eagle who has been courting her over the last several months. Harriet knows that her mate must be dedicated to care for her and any future eaglets. Since this may be M15’s first time as a mate and father there are still things… Read More »M15 and the Ways of Eagle Life

Mother’s Day Tribute to Harriet

Harriet deserves top honors in her role as Eagle Mom. Her dedication and commitment to raising her young is even more evident this season. This year was filled with many challenges for Harriet but she persevered and carried out her Motherly care of her Family. As observers we have witnessed situations that may have caused the strongest of us to give up, but not determined Harriet. Harriet and Ozzie began readying the nest for the season in the fall as they have done for many years. They work as a… Read More »Mother’s Day Tribute to Harriet

Exploring The Great Unknown- Weekly Nest Notes

The pasture was without the familiar “squees”. Harriet appeared to be searching. E6 had not returned to the nest area overnight and was not seen the next day. Had E6’s time to begin the biggest adventure arrived? Sentiments were mingled with sadness for one journey’s end and joy for the new journey ahead. E6 is well equipped with necessary skills to thrive in the realm of Eagle life. Harriet’s dedicated nurturing and education of E6 throughout the trial and tribulations in their lives has proven to be tremendously successful. As… Read More »Exploring The Great Unknown- Weekly Nest Notes

Nest Notes: A Week of Firsts & Feats

 E6 is building a growing list of accomplishments and successes as Eagle life lessons continue. Observations of many “firsts” and feats occur daily. E6’s expanding horizons include beautiful soaring to the upper limits and playful frolicking at a new found pond away from the nest territory. “Yonder Pond” holds many fresh and enticing experiences. E6 delights in walking around the banks of the new pond grabbing and carrying anything that piques interest. E6 seems to have taken ownership of Yonder Pond practicing defensive and also offensive skills. E6 has driven… Read More »Nest Notes: A Week of Firsts & Feats

Exploring the Great Unknown: Nest Notes- April 12-19

E6 greets the early mornings with eagerness and is discovering new and interesting experiences within and outside the nest territory. E6’s curiosity and drive for adventure is apparent in the skies and on land at the pond bank. E6 enjoys lengthy flights sweeping through the clouds and back alone and at times with Mom. E6 even finds entertainment with the small knots and knurls on the tree branches landing on them, pulling off bits and pieces and at times tumbling off only to regain flight and try it all over… Read More »Exploring the Great Unknown: Nest Notes- April 12-19

An Eagle’s Life: Nest Notes for April 5-12

E6 has become an adventurous explorer of the nest territory and beyond. As each new day dawns E6 has a renewed reserve of energy and an endless sense of wonder. E6’s education to Eagle life is being well absorbed. On many days the nest appears to be used for E6’s dinner table and occasional overnight stays. The nest also serves as a launching pad on journeys to all points of the territory. E6 has taken to the wide blue yonder soaring on the thermals lifting higher and higher. The feel… Read More »An Eagle’s Life: Nest Notes for April 5-12

Trusting in Nature- Nest Notes for March 29-April 5

Eagle Life for Harriet and E6 has taken an interesting direction since Ozzie’s accident and stay in the wildlife clinic, C.R.O.W. The first week was filled with tense moments as several juvenile, sub adult and adult Eagles frequented the nest territory. E6 was entering the critical time of preparing for the initial flight from the nest tree. Harriet seemed visibly confused by the perceived loss of her mate but driven by her instinct to feed and protect E6. Harriet seemed to allow herself a few days to accept and adjust… Read More »Trusting in Nature- Nest Notes for March 29-April 5