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Taking Turns- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 have each taken their turn incubating their eggs, carefully turning and rolling them at regular intervals. They aerate the nest material by pulling it up from the bottom and turning it over. They patiently brood their eggs for hours on end and eagerly step up to take their next turn at egg tending. The cycle goes on without a hitch with well timed exchanges. Many times they pass each other with a brief vocal acknowledgement saying possibly, “Your Turn”. Mom and Dad have each taken their turn… Read More »Taking Turns- Weekly Nest Notes

It’s a Team Effort- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet’s soft vocals in the predawn hours let M15 know that she would soon be departing from her incubation shift. Mom takes the overnight duties while Dad stands guard in the outer attic branch. They are a well coordinated team caring for their precious cargo. Harriet carefully rises up, looks at their Eggs and hops to the porch announcing her “Good Morning” vocal to the pasture. M15 quickly arrives in the nest to resume brooding. Harriet flies off to a nearby snag or the far off poles stretches, preens and… Read More »It’s a Team Effort- Weekly Nest Notes

Nature’s Way – Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 engaged all their instinctual abilities as they prepared for eggs and eaglets. With all of the parts in place Harriet laid Egg 1 at 5:03 p.m. on November 22, 2016. M15 greeted his precious egg with great interest looking under Harriet and pulling the Egg toward him. Mom took the overnight incubating duties. Dad eagerly took his turn at incubation early the next morning. Harriet was off to stretch and enjoy a leisure day after labor and delivery. M15 brought fish to his Lady and she accepted… Read More »Nature’s Way – Weekly Nest Notes

Dedication and Teamwork- Weekly Nest Notes

Harriet and M15 are working as a finely tuned team readying their beautifully constructed nest to welcome a new generation of eaglets. All signs point to them achieving their goal as they prepare. They both continue to find the materials needed for the nest as they maneuver through the pasture and the trees around the territory. Harriet was observed lying in the nest overnight. M15 takes his turn at checking the nest bowl looking very comfortable. M15 ramps up food deliveries to the nest which will prove crucial when eggs… Read More »Dedication and Teamwork- Weekly Nest Notes

Weekly Nest Notes (Oct. 9)- Weathering the Storm

Harriet and M15 have been steadily at work in the early mornings constructing their new nest which has grown tremendously in size. In a little over one month the nest looks inviting and nearly ready for eggs. An impending storm halted production briefly. Harriet and M15 had not been seen in the territory the day before the storm was predicted to arrive. Studies have shown that wildlife have instinctual abilities to stay out of harm’s way. They may have filled up on food and sought protection from the approaching storm.… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes (Oct. 9)- Weathering the Storm

Weekly Nest Notes- Strength & Courage

Harriet and M15 perch and observe the progress nearly grown E7 and E8 have made over the last few months. If Eagles have feelings, Mom and Dad seem to have a sense of pride in their unfailing efforts as E7 and E8 display great use of the lessons they are receiving. Mom and Dad have equally shared in delivering a wide menu of fish and prey teaching that food is available in many forms. E7 and E8 are learning how to feed themselves no matter what is presented. As each… Read More »Weekly Nest Notes- Strength & Courage

Eagle Education Continued- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E 8 are learning their Eagle lessons and are getting top honors. They use their beautiful wings to flap away in the breezes. E7 is catching good air time making it across the nest in sweeping fly hops. At times it looks as if E7 lands on a tree branch but it is one of the higher nest rails. Space becomes limited in the nest as they are nearly adult size and E8 let E7 know it wasn’t appreciated to be landed upon. Grasping and carrying things in… Read More »Eagle Education Continued- Weekly Nest Notes

Changing by the Minute- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are looking more like juvenile Eagles than fuzzy little eaglets as they change daily. Their adult like feathers appear to be popping out by the minute. Soon it will be hard to tell who is who. Their interactions change from peaceful snuggling to rivalry as they learn from one another and Mom and Dad. E7 and E8 build strong legs and wings by walking and “wingersizing” as the breezy weather continues. Both are more aware of their surroundings and the world beyond the nest. E7 is still… Read More »Changing by the Minute- Weekly Nest Notes

Progressing and Practicing- Weekly Nest Notes

E7 and E8 are developing many new Eaglet behaviors and practicing these skills. There are subtleties in their growth and progression each day that are amazing to witness. E8 is honing stealthy ways to avoid stronger more aggressive sibling E7 and to get a share of the meal offerings. E8’s speed and courage increase with each bite grabbed and fear is fading. M15 is an excellent hunter and provider for the family. Harriet, a seasoned hunter in her own right, has also done her fair share in meal selections. There… Read More »Progressing and Practicing- Weekly Nest Notes

Special Delivery- Nest Notes Extra Edition

Harriet’s maternal instincts have come to glorious fruition as she layed her first egg of the nesting season. The much anticipated event took place at 4:25 pm on December 19, 2015. Harriet spent overnight in the nest as blustery and cooler weather arrived in the area. In the early morning Harriet moved to perch on the old cam tree. M15 arrived and was lying in the nest. They then flew off toward the South East together. Later Harriet and M15 returned to the nest with a sub adult Eagle following… Read More »Special Delivery- Nest Notes Extra Edition